Old Fart?

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Oldest man in the US dies in Sacramento at 112

SAN FRANCISCO – George Francis, the nation's oldest man, who lived through both world wars, man's first walk on the moon and the election of the first black president, has died. He was 112.

Francis died Saturday of congestive heart failure at a nursing home in Sacramento, his son, Anthony Francis, said Sunday.

"He lived four years in the 19th century, 100 years in the 20th century, and 8 years in the 21st century. We call him the man of three centuries," said the younger Francis, 81.


George Francis quit school after the sixth grade, became an amateur boxer as a young man and later worked as a chauffeur, an auto mechanic and a barber.

He and his wife, Josephine Johnson Francis, had a son and three daughters. Josephine Francis died of cancer in 1964.


Besides his four children, Francis is survived by 18 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren and 16 great-great grandchildren


Pretty much. We all believed we'd be dead by 35.

LMAO! Yeah, I never thought I would be pushing 50.

Who was it who said "If I had known I would live so long I would have taken better care of myself"?
US Dumbass strikes again...

And he wonders why he is the number 1 clown on ignore right now...

Besides which, Damo doesn't necessarily count as Northern. I may be Western, like him, but Seattle is one of the farthest north locations in the US. Since we have people posting from Alaska, I am beaten, and if Brent ever returns, he lives farther north than me in WA...
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