Old joke from home

I feel like there is some cultural context that we're missing. Unless the joke is the obvious thing that coconuts, being coconuts, cannot walk.
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I relate to this a little. People make fun that my English is not perfect. But I don't care. If I listen always to persons who think this and that of me, I would not be who I am today. Why cannot black persons be racist? Silly thought. Anyone can be racist. My people can people racist against those who are not like them. They are pure, they claim. They are better. I ask, is not the same as other persons say they are pure? I am alone many times for my thoughts.

But USA is a place where many thoughts can roam free. Be say aloud. Talk open. Maybe people don't like such talk, but I can speak anything I want. USA is a place where any person can say anything. Such freedom. I don't mean government freedom is only freedom, but from persons to. I am not judged here like home. I am free.

you said this in a thread that the nuts on the op were far too tiny to allow people to actually speak in.

you keep talking your talk

I will listen and respond when assholes like that OP dont try and shut people out.

the true sign of a dickless wonder is to hide from any words and thoughts that crush their pretend world.
you didn't understand the post huh

sure I did.....Konono mentioned that sometimes people make fun of her for what she said and you acknowledged you had the same problem.............

of course when you type things like this, its easy to see why....
you said this in a thread that the nuts on the op were far too tiny to allow people to actually speak in.
Members banned from this thread: Underworld King Star, Jarod, Topspin, Mott the Hoople, Darla, SmarterthanYou, evince, ZappasGuitar, Taichiliberal, Rana, Rune, Legion Troll, iolo and ChoppedLiver

Default Voters reject left wingers jackbooted tactics


It looks like the voters reject the leftardiots jackbooted stalinist attempts to stifle dissent.

Remember these famous words?

here is a perfect example of a nutless wonder wacking off his stupid for all to see.
he bans most of the posters here and then makes this complaint.

come on this HAS to be some fricking weird art project huh
Desh, are you trying to get us to move your thread derailments? Because I'm in no mood. And if I'm in no mood, you won't like what I am in the mood for.
this place is supposed to be for discussing things.

you have it set up so the right wing fools can avoid discussing things.

what is it you people fear?

facts and reality

stop trying to shut down the converstion

try having it instead

You wont because we all know you people will lose that debate
this place is supposed to be for discussing things.

you have it set up so the right wing fools can avoid discussing things.

what is it you people fear?

facts and reality

stop trying to shut down the converstion

try having it instead

You wont because we all know you people will lose that debate

Discuss thread topics. You don't get to ruin someone else's thread because they aren't talking about what you want. Start your own or your posts will be moved/deleted.