OMG Michael Jackson dead!

please present absolute proof of this perversion you speak of. you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt.....stuff like that like.... or do you just convict people based on whatever
what is bizarre is that he will probably become a true icon now, now that he is dead. our society is bizarre, in that we honor greatly those who have passed, as if just yesterday they were mere humans. why not honor for is as if death makes the accomplishments untouchable. if death purifies
please present absolute proof of this perversion you speak of. you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt.....stuff like that like.... or do you just convict people based on whatever

I can't say with certainty whether or not Jackson was a pedophile. But his comment about how loving it is to invite a child into your bed was weird as fuck.
I can't say with certainty whether or not Jackson was a pedophile. But his comment about how loving it is to invite a child into your bed was weird as fuck.

And don't forget all the pay-offs to make those pesky allegations go away.
I wouldn't let my child spend the night at house, but I'll be damned if Thriller doesn't still make me want to dance.
I can't say with certainty whether or not Jackson was a pedophile. But his comment about how loving it is to invite a child into your bed was weird as fuck.

100% correct, even if he didn't molest those kids letting minor children not related to ya is just to weird
I wouldn't let my child spend the night at house, but I'll be damned if Thriller doesn't still make me want to dance.

True dat. My favorite Jackson song is Man in the Mirror, but he was a great artist, however messed up he was in the head.

I hear they're going to melt down Jackson's body into plastic toys, so that kids can play with him!!!