This kind of fear mongering is disgusting. These "Christians" really believe that Jesus is some kind of asshool who sends good people to eternal merciless torture. What a bunch of fucked up jackasses. Fuck them and their message. Jesus would shit if he saw this.
MOst of the stuff about the charistics of hell and the reason you go there are not from the bible.
It depends. Most of it is from the Book of Enoch which is included in the Jewish Bible but was removed by the council of Nicea. They don't come from nowhere.
If Enoch is not in "the Bible" then it is irrelevant to contemporary protestant christian religion. Many books were left out of the Bible, many many letters/books.
If Enoch is not in "the Bible" then it is irrelevant to contemporary protestant christian religion. Many books were left out of the Bible, many many letters/books.
It doesn't change that it exists and the 'traditional descriptions' are in it.

It is also mentioned by Christ in the New Testament.
Yes but most of the contempory conceptions on what will send you to hell and what hell is like are not from the contemporary bible. That is what I have been trying to explain to you Damo.
Yes but most of the contempory conceptions on what will send you to hell and what hell is like are not from the contemporary bible. That is what I have been trying to explain to you Damo.
I haven't disagreed with that, I have simply provided background from whence they came. The ideas were not simply created from the imaginations of Christians with horror stories, they were in religious writing and the ideas came from them.

As well, they are part of the contemporary Jewish Bible.
If you want to know when Jesus mentioned hell...

Read Matthew Chapter 5, (Also when Jesus gives the Beatitudes during the Speach on the Mount).

21"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' 22But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brotherwill be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,[c]' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

He mentions it again in Verse 29, in the "If your eye offends you, pluck it out.." portion of the same. Therefore, let's just say that Jesus talked about it quite a bit during the Sermon on the Mount.

In Matther Chapter 7 he goes into how much easier it is to get into Hell. That's when he talks about the "highway to hell" being broad.

In Chapter 10, he talks about how god can destroy your body and soul in Hell so you are not to fear those who might kill your body.

It was a pretty consistent theme in things he spoke of.
Oh well I will accept you conclusion over those who made the show on the history channel ?. have to think about that a bit.
Oh well I will accept you conclusion over those who made the show on the history channel ?. have to think about that a bit.
Just read the book. The next show will likely talk about the origins of the paintings, etc. and will mention that Dante got his picture of hell from the Book of Enoch. I know that is the only reason I purchased and read the book.
But again, Enoch is not part of the contemporaty Christian bible. It was discarded with many other early Christian works.
Dude, that shit is just fuckin hilarious!!! Christians make me laugh.

Grab the dorkiest kid you can find, and have him be the voiceover, then write some story about a kid writing an angry letter about not being told about 'this Jesus'. Then fuck logic, the demons are coming and holding me over flames as I write this....
Dude, that shit is just fuckin hilarious!!! Christians make me laugh.

Grab the dorkiest kid you can find, and have him be the voiceover, then write some story about a kid writing an angry letter about not being told about 'this Jesus'. Then fuck logic, the demons are coming and holding me over flames as I write this....

:burn: God's gonna get you for that, followed by maniacial laugh....