On being a hopeless luddite.


1960s Chick Magnet
I have a land line. If you want to call when when I'm at home, you'd need to have the unlisted land line number and you'd need to use it.
I'm not likely to answer my cell phone at home where it would, either turned on or off, be on the charger.
Indeed, the voice mail message if I don't pick up is....."Please call me on my land line." I don't offer the number.

My cell phone is predominantly for making the blue tooth phone in my car work. Essentially, then, it's replacing an old fashioned car phone, only it's no longer a rare luxury.

Only four contacts on my cell phone have a uniquely identifiable ring tone: my home land line, my wife's cell, my son's cell, and my daughter's cell.
There used to be more but it's down to that. [I suppose that if I has a girlfriend or mistress, she'd have a ring tone as well, but I'm way past having the energy for that.
And I'm still afraid of the Gestapo.]

I get the same generic ring for everybody else, so if I'm not expecting a call, I don't trip over myself to answer a generic ringtone.
Most of the time, however, it's just the blue tooth in the car waking up. Except in the summer when I drive the old Corvette. That has no GPS, no backup camera, and no blue teeth of any kind.
It's an old man's toy, not a real practical car, and it's only for sunny days because I can no longer get in or out of it with the top up..

I still have cable television in addition to a few modern streaming services. Since most of what I watch is on streaming, it's almost like setting to fire to the money spent on premium channels,
but I keep hoping that HBO or Showtime will some day have something good on it again.

My wi fi at home is for listening to podcasts on the tablets. My home is wired with an ethernet network, just as if this were 1995, and the computers are plugged into that..

I don't hate all of modernity but it goes too far. There was never a need to go past Windows Seven, It went backwards from that point.
The present system is no better than DOS on a 1988 machine. I'm probably too old to learn how to use a Mac at this point.

Some tech is OK. K Cups work for me, since after breakfast, I'm the only one drinking coffee. Are K-Cups considered high technology? What the fuck do I know?
I have a land line. If you want to call when when I'm at home, you'd need to have the unlisted land line number and you'd need to use it.
I'm not likely to answer my cell phone at home where it would, either turned on or off, be on the charger.
Indeed, the voice mail message if I don't pick up is....."Please call me on my land line." I don't offer the number.

My cell phone is predominantly for making the blue tooth phone in my car work. Essentially, then, it's replacing an old fashioned car phone, only it's no longer a rare luxury.

Only four contacts on my cell phone have a uniquely identifiable ring tone: my home land line, my wife's cell, my son's cell, and my daughter's cell.
There used to be more but it's down to that. [I suppose that if I has a girlfriend or mistress, she'd have a ring tone as well, but I'm way past having the energy for that.
And I'm still afraid of the Gestapo.]

I get the same generic ring for everybody else, so if I'm not expecting a call, I don't trip over myself to answer a generic ringtone.
Most of the time, however, it's just the blue tooth in the car waking up. Except in the summer when I drive the old Corvette. That has no GPS, no backup camera, and no blue teeth of any kind.
It's an old man's toy, not a real practical car, and it's only for sunny days because I can no longer get in or out of it with the top up..

I still have cable television in addition to a few modern streaming services. Since most of what I watch is on streaming, it's almost like setting to fire to the money spent on premium channels,
but I keep hoping that HBO or Showtime will some day have something good on it again.

My wi fi at home is for listening to podcasts on the tablets. My home is wired with an ethernet network, just as if this were 1995, and the computers are plugged into that..

I don't hate all of modernity but it goes too far. There was never a need to go past Windows Seven, It went backwards from that point.
The present system is no better than DOS on a 1988 machine. I'm probably too old to learn how to use a Mac at this point.

Some tech is OK. K Cups work for me, since after breakfast, I'm the only one drinking coffee. Are K-Cups considered high technology? What the fuck do I know?

I am like you in many ways.

But, I do keep up with the latest and greatest laptop technology that serves my several small business interests, as well as all of my entertainment at home.

I also have the IP phone connection as you do, and only use my cellphone as a telephone and very little text.

If Youtube don't have it- I probably don't need it or want to watch it anyway. LOL!

I do have cable TV, basic service and a high speed internet connection.
I prefer B Cups. (anything over a mouthful is a waste)

You're probably making a joke, Jack, but there is a little truth to that.

Massive, often augmented breasts look really good under clothes.
Live and in person, however, smaller breasts look every bit as nice or more.

Have you noticed that?

[Understand that I'm basically working from memory, here.]
I have a land line. If you want to call when when I'm at home, you'd need to have the unlisted land line number and you'd need to use it.
I'm not likely to answer my cell phone at home where it would, either turned on or off, be on the charger.
Indeed, the voice mail message if I don't pick up is....."Please call me on my land line." I don't offer the number.

My cell phone is predominantly for making the blue tooth phone in my car work. Essentially, then, it's replacing an old fashioned car phone, only it's no longer a rare luxury.

Only four contacts on my cell phone have a uniquely identifiable ring tone: my home land line, my wife's cell, my son's cell, and my daughter's cell.
There used to be more but it's down to that. [I suppose that if I has a girlfriend or mistress, she'd have a ring tone as well, but I'm way past having the energy for that.
And I'm still afraid of the Gestapo.]

I get the same generic ring for everybody else, so if I'm not expecting a call, I don't trip over myself to answer a generic ringtone.
Most of the time, however, it's just the blue tooth in the car waking up. Except in the summer when I drive the old Corvette. That has no GPS, no backup camera, and no blue teeth of any kind.
It's an old man's toy, not a real practical car, and it's only for sunny days because I can no longer get in or out of it with the top up..

I still have cable television in addition to a few modern streaming services. Since most of what I watch is on streaming, it's almost like setting to fire to the money spent on premium channels,
but I keep hoping that HBO or Showtime will some day have something good on it again.

My wi fi at home is for listening to podcasts on the tablets. My home is wired with an ethernet network, just as if this were 1995, and the computers are plugged into that..

I don't hate all of modernity but it goes too far. There was never a need to go past Windows Seven, It went backwards from that point.
The present system is no better than DOS on a 1988 machine. I'm probably too old to learn how to use a Mac at this point.

Some tech is OK. K Cups work for me, since after breakfast, I'm the only one drinking coffee. Are K-Cups considered high technology? What the fuck do I know?

You sound like my brother. He did, otoh, get rid of their landline in favor of cell only. But his phone confuses him and he often butt-dials me then seems puzzled that my voice is coming out of the couch cushions. lol
I have a land line. If you want to call when when I'm at home, you'd need to have the unlisted land line number and you'd need to use it.
I'm not likely to answer my cell phone at home where it would, either turned on or off, be on the charger.
Indeed, the voice mail message if I don't pick up is....."Please call me on my land line." I don't offer the number.

My cell phone is predominantly for making the blue tooth phone in my car work. Essentially, then, it's replacing an old fashioned car phone, only it's no longer a rare luxury.

Only four contacts on my cell phone have a uniquely identifiable ring tone: my home land line, my wife's cell, my son's cell, and my daughter's cell.
There used to be more but it's down to that. [I suppose that if I has a girlfriend or mistress, she'd have a ring tone as well, but I'm way past having the energy for that.
And I'm still afraid of the Gestapo.]

I get the same generic ring for everybody else, so if I'm not expecting a call, I don't trip over myself to answer a generic ringtone.
Most of the time, however, it's just the blue tooth in the car waking up. Except in the summer when I drive the old Corvette. That has no GPS, no backup camera, and no blue teeth of any kind.
It's an old man's toy, not a real practical car, and it's only for sunny days because I can no longer get in or out of it with the top up..

I still have cable television in addition to a few modern streaming services. Since most of what I watch is on streaming, it's almost like setting to fire to the money spent on premium channels,
but I keep hoping that HBO or Showtime will some day have something good on it again.

My wi fi at home is for listening to podcasts on the tablets. My home is wired with an ethernet network, just as if this were 1995, and the computers are plugged into that..

I don't hate all of modernity but it goes too far. There was never a need to go past Windows Seven, It went backwards from that point.
The present system is no better than DOS on a 1988 machine. I'm probably too old to learn how to use a Mac at this point.

Some tech is OK. K Cups work for me, since after breakfast, I'm the only one drinking coffee. Are K-Cups considered high technology? What the fuck do I know?

You sound like my brother. He did, otoh, get rid of their landline in favor of cell only. But his phone confuses him and he often butt-dials me then seems puzzled that my voice is coming out of the couch cushions. lol

Perhaps if your voice occasionally came out of MY couch cushions, Owl, the Gestapo wouldn't take me so much for granted!
But all kidding aside, tech comes hard to geriatrics with no patience to learn new things.

Yet the things that are totally passive and require little personal involvement are generally pleasing to me. GPS and backup cameras are a good example of those.
And there now exists at least a couple of generations who never got up to change the channel or adjust the volume.
You're probably making a joke, Jack, but there is a little truth to that.

Massive, often augmented breasts look really good under clothes.
Live and in person, however, smaller breasts look every bit as nice or more.

Have you noticed that?

[Understand that I'm basically working from memory, here.]

Yes. Yes it was an attempt at humor.

Plastic tits ... look plastic. Total turn off. I think women like them, because they think men like Big Tits. Plastic tits = Plastic person. (I don't even like discussing it) :(
Yes. Yes it was an attempt at humor.

Plastic tits ... look plastic. Total turn off. I think women like them, because they think men like Big Tits. Plastic tits = Plastic person. (I don't even like discussing it) :(

I am a casual friend of Tony Ferrara, the women's designer. He's probably retired by now as he's pushing eighty.
He says that there was a period when they couldn't use any normal size samples in the shows.
The women were painfully thin, but being so, they didn't have sufficient body fat to have even moderately ample breasts.
Thus they had augmented breasts--not huge ones--but still they were like Barbie. They had a shape that simply didn't exist in nature.
Thus no normal sizes that would actual turn up on shop shelves could be used in the shows.
They actually had to make alterations right there at the show venues.
I am a casual friend of Tony Ferrara, the women's designer. He's probably retired by now as he's pushing eighty.
He says that there was a period when they couldn't use any normal size samples in the shows.
The women were painfully thin, but being so, they didn't have sufficient body fat to have even moderately ample breasts.
Thus they had augmented breasts--not huge ones--but still they were like Barbie. They had a shape that simply didn't exist in nature.
Thus no normal sizes that would actual turn up on shop shelves could be used in the shows.
They actually had to make alterations right there at the show venues.

I have a friend named Chip. He's elderly. He's like me. We both like our women naked. I was never into the 'clothes' thing. I like the variety and natural beauty of the female form. Chip says he likes them naked too.
I have a friend named Chip. He's elderly. He's like me. We both like our women naked. I was never into the 'clothes' thing. I like the variety and natural beauty of the female form. Chip says he likes them naked too.

So you and Chip like to be naked!
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"!
I have a land line. It's for my answering machine so I can screen calls and get messages that are actually useful too. I also use it for fax work--yes, there are still companies that use fax machines...
I have a 4G flip phone for mobile use... It's industrial grade so it can take a lot of abuse.


I have 24 ounce framing hammer to manage calls workers get on their smart phones after I tell them to turn them off while working...

I have a degree in computer programming and a deep background in the hardware side of computers. I consider them rat bastards and avoid doing lots of stuff on them that idiots think is "safe."
I limit my reliance on technology, I can still navigate with actual road maps and topographic maps, and for personal defense I prefer 12 guage shotgun to AR 15 pop gun.

My theory is that when civilization collapses and zombies are rampaging, I will be better prepared to survive.
Yes. Yes it was an attempt at humor.

Plastic tits ... look plastic. Total turn off. I think women like them, because they think men like Big Tits. Plastic tits = Plastic person. (I don't even like discussing it) :(

Not a fan of the cantaloupes-stuck-to-the-chest look either....especially if they are lying on their back. It doesn't look right.

More so, it's the psychology of superficial people, both men and women, that I find a turn off.

Although I can get along fine without technology, I do love modern tech. Since my job involved travel, originally we were all on beepers, then flip phones and, for me, I finally joined the iPhone Revolution in 2010 with an iPhone 4. I was immediately hooked. After a few months of people I don't know asking for money, I dumped my landline.
I limit my reliance on technology, I can still navigate with actual road maps and topographic maps, and for personal defense I prefer 12 guage shotgun to AR 15 pop gun.

My theory is that when civilization collapses and zombies are rampaging, I will be better prepared to survive.

Good theory. It doesn't take a total collapse of civilization to strip the veneer of civilization from your neighbors. A hurricane or tornado through the middle of town like Joplin would do it. Many people would stay to guard any remaining possessions through the clean up. Scumbags would help themselves to places unguarded.

I know how to read a map, but a Waze app is better since it provides updates on construction, wrecks and cops. Kids should learn to read a road map as part of their driver training, but Waze is still better.

As for self-defense, I believe in having a wide selection of choices for selection on a case-by-case basis. :)
I have a land line. It's for my answering machine so I can screen calls and get messages that are actually useful too. I also use it for fax work--yes, there are still companies that use fax machines...
I have a 4G flip phone for mobile use... It's industrial grade so it can take a lot of abuse.


I have 24 ounce framing hammer to manage calls workers get on their smart phones after I tell them to turn them off while working...

I have a degree in computer programming and a deep background in the hardware side of computers. I consider them rat bastards and avoid doing lots of stuff on them that idiots think is "safe."[/QUOTE]
Cell phones have voicemail boxes. Computers and smart devices can send fax via apps.

The Kyocera phones are terrific; very tough and water resistant long before current cell phones started offering the option.

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