On Degrees and Mensans


Villified User
My college degreed Mensa member wife who grew up in the country was with the Grandchildren on a small dirt road on our place riding bikes. I walked over there before they got there and found a LARGE Yellow Jacket nest within 18 inches of the side of the little road.
I saw her coming and told her of the nest and her reply was, "so you mean we can't ride our bikes there ?"
Simply amazing and she is not even blond.
But she is getting sucked into religion more all the time, I expect she will devolve to republican status within another year or less.
I believe it is beyond the luck stage. We had an agreement about religion before we married. Now she is pushing me hard and keeping volunteering me church projects. Guess I will resign from the church position and divorce the wife. I kept my part of the bargain.
I have to wash dishes this evening, gotta have something clean to eat out of. Been eating peanut butter sandwitches mostly for the last week or so because of no clean dishes.
She is I guess too busy with church to keep dishes clean. I did my laundry last night.

If I divorce her it will mean lots less work for me :)
Have you told her flatly what you are concerned with and how you feel about your relationship?
Yep, several times. I did not yet mention the divorce word, but told her it appeared to me as if she was trying to run me off. She said "I will go and wash the dishes now". That was almost 1 year ago and I have been doing over 90% of the housework since . I work at least 40 hours a week, she quit her job 6 yrs ago with less than 3 yrs to full retirement vesting and nice benfits. Her reason ? It was stressing her out.....
Now she just runs around burning gas and giving both my time and money to the church. I like the rest of the people in the church, but.....
Oh well I can handle being labeled a godless man that would divorce his fine christian wife :)
I don't know anything about your relationship with your wife and shouldn't. At the risk of getting another stern talking-to by Klaatu or Immie, however, I do think there is for some people an addictive element to church activities. I've seen people pour their entire lives into a church, much like an alcoholic living from bottle to bottle.
I believe it is beyond the luck stage. We had an agreement about religion before we married. Now she is pushing me hard and keeping volunteering me church projects. Guess I will resign from the church position and divorce the wife. I kept my part of the bargain.
I have to wash dishes this evening, gotta have something clean to eat out of. Been eating peanut butter sandwitches mostly for the last week or so because of no clean dishes.
She is I guess too busy with church to keep dishes clean. I did my laundry last night.

If I divorce her it will mean lots less work for me :)

That's annoying. When I went to church with my mom a few years back, they tried to sucker me in. An older lady who is a friend of the family was talking to my mom about it and she said that I had more sense than my mom did. I don't even remember this, but apparently the minister had asked that I od some volunteer work and I just smiled and gave some BS answer and went about my business. Well my mom got sucked in and was really overextending herself. She's outta there now though.

As for your wife, that wasn't too smart to quit her job 3 years before she got full benefits, however that's in the past. I'd focus on the here and now and that is volunteering you for church stuff without your consent. That definitely puts you in an ackward position and I can understand your fustration. I would be firm about that and tell her directly not to volunteer you for things without your consent and let her know htat you are mad about it.

The house work is tricky, are you the one making most of the mess?
Sounds to me like she's pretty smart... she can quit her job and dedicate her life to something she feels is a good cause, all on someone elses dime! lol

Though I do think its pretty shady of her to do that to you.
It sounds like she definitely has different priorities than you do. If you do have kids though I'd think three or four times before divorce. But that is a personal thing for me, I really wish my parents worked out their religious differences....
That's annoying. When I went to church with my mom a few years back, they tried to sucker me in. An older lady who is a friend of the family was talking to my mom about it and she said that I had more sense than my mom did. I don't even remember this, but apparently the minister had asked that I od some volunteer work and I just smiled and gave some BS answer and went about my business. Well my mom got sucked in and was really overextending herself. She's outta there now though.

As for your wife, that wasn't too smart to quit her job 3 years before she got full benefits, however that's in the past. I'd focus on the here and now and that is volunteering you for church stuff without your consent. That definitely puts you in an ackward position and I can understand your fustration. I would be firm about that and tell her directly not to volunteer you for things without your consent and let her know htat you are mad about it.

The house work is tricky, are you the one making most of the mess?

Nope, she eats 3 x as much as me, thus 3x the dirty dishes. Only cooks for church events and such. She has the clutterbug mental illness, whatever it is called, loves clutter and filth. Heck she did not even know I had gotten a new vacuum for 6 months.
We sleep in seperate rooms hers looks like a teenagers with most of her clothes on the floor.
just a pig.
It sounds like she definitely has different priorities than you do. If you do have kids though I'd think three or four times before divorce. But that is a personal thing for me, I really wish my parents worked out their religious differences....

No children, I have one by a previous marriage, hence the grandchildren.
And I make very little mess in the house. work in my office 40-50 hours per week and then put in another 40-60 hours per week fixing up the place and doing maintenance. Right now I am cutting 20 pickup loads of firewood (90 plus degrees) for her father (he is not able) and she won't even feed me or clean for me.

I am bailin, life is too short to live with a pig.
And I don't believe in being rewarded after I die for my good acts.
Sounds to me like she's pretty smart... she can quit her job and dedicate her life to something she feels is a good cause, all on someone elses dime! lol

Though I do think its pretty shady of her to do that to you.

Hmm, I think I will invite some of her church buddies and the preacher over and not tell her. Let them see the pigsty she likes to live in.
Cool. No kids means clean break... I'm not saying stick to it just for marriage. Clearly she has a whole different perspective on what is important. Hard to keep a friendship together with that, let alone a marriage.