On Goodness


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A thought provoking section on the subject of “Goodness”. Thought I’d share. Some parts are a little long. Read a section, put it down, reflect on it and return to the next. A couple of excerpts:

“Goodness is offering love to hatred, pardon to injury, unity to discord, faith to doubt, truth to error, hope to despair, joy to sadness, light to darkness. Goodness is seeking to console rather than be consoled, understand rather than be understood, love rather than be loved. But there is goodness in being consoled, understood and loved, too.”

“There is goodness in unlocking the secrets of the universe. And goodness in feeling humbled — and inspired — by all of the answers you don’t yet know. There is goodness in discovering, and goodness in supporting and believing the discoveries of others.”

“There is goodness in creation and in creating — the song no one has yet sung, the book no one has yet read, the perspective from which no one has yet seen the self or the world.”

A thought provoking section on the subject of “Goodness”. Thought I’d share. Some parts are a little long. Read a section, put it down, reflect on it and return to the next. A couple of excerpts:

“Goodness is offering love to hatred, pardon to injury, unity to discord, faith to doubt, truth to error, hope to despair, joy to sadness, light to darkness. Goodness is seeking to console rather than be consoled, understand rather than be understood, love rather than be loved. But there is goodness in being consoled, understood and loved, too.”

“There is goodness in unlocking the secrets of the universe. And goodness in feeling humbled — and inspired — by all of the answers you don’t yet know. There is goodness in discovering, and goodness in supporting and believing the discoveries of others.”

“There is goodness in creation and in creating — the song no one has yet sung, the book no one has yet read, the perspective from which no one has yet seen the self or the world.”


^ a nice contribution.

Socrates' vision of the good was: moral justice, informed by reason, and guided by spirit.