On its final night, the RNC abandons religious diversity

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
A resounding speech from evangelical Franklin Graham made clear that Republicans see America as a Christian nation

The first few days of the Republican National Convention, a tone of social liberalism ruled the speeches. Jews and Sikhs prayed on stage, part of a long tradition of diverse prayer at political events. Amber Rose, an OnlyFans creator and founder of the Los Angeles chapter of the feminist march SlutWalk, proclaimed that Donald Trump supported LGBTQ rights.

The first few days of the Republican National Convention, a tone of social liberalism ruled the speeches. Jews and Sikhs prayed on stage, part of a long tradition of diverse prayer at political events. Amber Rose, an OnlyFans creator and founder of the Los Angeles chapter of the feminist march SlutWalk, proclaimed that Donald Trump supported LGBTQ rights. And to add to the chaos, Hulk Hogan ripped his shirt off while yelling about “Trumpomania.”

It was a muddled message from a party whose leader has hobnobbed with white nationalists, and some of whose members have openly declared support for Christian nationalism in the past few years. Sure, speeches still focused on some of the usual Republican bugaboos, like immigration and the border, but other issues that have been core to the party’s platform — particularly opposition to abortion and to LGBTQ rights — got little airtime, at least not overtly.

That changed on the final night of the convention. Evangelical pastor Franklin Graham — son of famed evangelist and political advocate Billy Graham —delivered remarks and a prayer in a prime spot shortly before Trump took the stage. And unlike the speakers before him, he did not beat around the bush on the issues most important to the Christian base.

Previous speakers, when they invoked God, largely did so in vague terms, or made it clear that they were speaking only of their personal faith. They kept a careful gap between policy and Christianity. Graham had no such qualms, however.

Graham made it very clear which religion, and which God, he meant when he prayed for Him to guide the Republican party and the country.

“We ask that you’ll unite our hearts, bring us together, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” he said in his prayer. “And we pray this in the mighty name of my lord and savior, Jesus Christ, the king of kings and the lord of lords. Amen.”

That made it just as clear what Eric Trump meant when he declared that, in Trump’s America, “our children will love God.”

Beneath the attempts at diversity, Christianity will always be the guiding force of the party. Though the RNC meant to pitch a big tent, it ended up being a tent revival.
