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** ** **
Do you not resist cold and hunger? The winds and waves, thus obstinately; you quietly submit to a thousand similar necessities. You do not put your head into the fire. But just in proportion as I regard this as not wholly a brute force, but partly a human force, and consider that I have relations to those millions as too so many millions of men, and not of mere brute or inanimate things, I see that appeal is possible, first and instantaneously, from them to the Maker of them, and, secondly, from them to themselves. But if i put my head deliberately into the fire, there is no appeal to the Maker of Fire,
and I have only myself to blame.
If i could convince myself that i have any right to be satisfied with men as they are, and to treat them accordingly , and nor according, in some respects, to my requisitions and expectations of what they and I ought to be, then, I should endeavor to be satisfied with things as they are, and say it is the will of God.
Above all, there is a difference between resisting this and a purely brute or natural force, that i can resist this with some effect; but I cannot expect, like Orpheus, to change the nature of the rocks and trees and beasts.
I do not wish to quarrel with any man or nation I do not wish to split hairs, to make fine distinctions, or set myself up as better than my neighbors. I seek rather, I may say, even an excuse for conforming to the laws of the land. I am but too ready to conform to them. Indeed, I have reason to suspect myself on this head; and each year, as the tax-gatherer comes round, I find myself disposed to review the acts and position of the general and state governments.
I have to believe that in the future we can effect change in the state of government such that I feel not aggrieved nor oppressed nor that they would use my money in act of oppression, that we can have mechanisms for redress, that our natural rights can be protected, and then all matter of this sort of work will be out of my hands, and then i shall be no better patriot than my fellow-countrymen.
Seen with a broader point of view, the Constitution, with it’s faults, is very good . Some laws and most courts are very respectable; even this state and the American government are, in many respects, very admirable, and rare things, to be thankful for, such as a great many have described them.
However, the government does not concern me much, and I shall bestow the fewest possible thoughts on it. It is not many moments that I live under a government, even in this world . If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot interrupt him.
I know that most men think differently from myself; but those whose lives are by profession devoted to the study of these or kindred subjects content me as little as any. Statesmen and legislators, standing so completely within established institution, never distinctly and nakedly behold it.
Though we know of no purer sources of truth, who have traced up it’s stream no higher, stand and wisely stand, by the Bible and the Constitution, whence they have beheld it and the drink comes trickling into this lake or that pool, they gird up their loins once more, and continue their pilgrimage away from it’s fountainhead.
Few men of genius for the legislation have appeared in America. They are rare in the history of the world. There are orators, politicians, and eloquent men, by the thousand; yet they can find no speaker to answer the most vexed questions of the day. We love eloquence for it’s own sake, and not for any truth which it may utter, or any heroism it may inspire.
Our legislators have not yet learned the comparative value of; a simple transparent tax system, reducing the burden of rules and regulation instead of constantly impressing more, rooting out corruption, promotion and protection of our Natural Rights.
No genius or talent in the legislature has stepped forward, and answered the comparatively humble questions of; encouraging private promotion of finance for American innovators of little means, stimulating main street commerce, protecting manufacturers, in-shoring our jobs, defending our borders, and our culture, and our Future.
If we were left solely to the wordy wit of politicians for our guidance , uncorrected by seasoned experience and effectual complaints of the people, American would have long ago reduced her rank among the nations.
The authority of government, even such as I am willing to submit to --
For I will cheerfully obey those who know better and can do better than I, and in many things even those who neither know nor can do so well -- is still an impure one:
To be righteous, it must have sanction and consent of the governed. It has no pure right over my person or property above what i concede to it.
The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democratic republic, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual.
Even the chinese philosopher was wise enough to recognize the individual as the basis of the empire. Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government?
Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing then enshrining and protecting the individual rights of man?
There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all it’s own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.
I please myself with imagining a state at last which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which would not think it inconsistent with it’s own repose if each were allowed to live with common recognition of individual rights and sovereignty, a place where each man were a king in his castle, that we could agree to conform to a recognition of non-conformity, and respect each one another as a free individual. Allowance of real estate property ownership, protection from government of our privacy, property, and above all recognition and protection of our natural rights.
This more perfect and glorious state I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen.
This work, entitled On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, was written 167 years ago by Mr. Henry David Thoreau. I, Leroy Thurman Sr. have merely translated it in more modern parlance, so that it’s more easily understood in todays common style of reading .
I can say , that I am generally in agreement with Thoreau’s points of view , though in some matters our opinions differ, for instance, his portrayal of the evils of a standing army. One must remember in his era, a standing (of full time) army was a very European concept .
I do not seek however to overly parce his message , and only seek to convey it to you . In this , and in most every other part , when possible and practical , i have preserved the intent of Mr. Thoreau’s writings completely .
Today, it’s important that we remember him, and his contemporaries , and the cause for which they were fighting for. You may rightly see, that his words representing radical Republicanism; small, accountable government, answerable to the will of the people, were in cause of true righteousness.
We remember that the principal reason that he was resisting the government, and also encouraged others to do so, in writings and deeds were done to correct the injustice of Slavery .
He did choose, risking personal injury, to resist the law of his time, to stand apart from injustice, as enshrined in law, the ownership and bonding of another fellow man. To do the Right Thing.
We should remember that men such as this, who agitated for liberation, and liberty, represent TRUE liberalism, for the most part, their struggle was not to free the oppressed black man; but to free the oppressed man without regard to his color, because there is no greater injustice then to withhold and deny any man’s freedom and liberty.
We too remember that this was the cause of Honest Abe, the Emancipator of the Republic, himself a Radical Republican ..
We should remember what Republicanism stands for, and also whom it has stood up for.
All the people, recognised as being unique and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, to self govern, to speak as you wish, to protect yourself, for protection from government oppression, your rights to privacy, and protection from extrajudicial harm from sculious accusers.
Most importantly Republicanism stands for small government, low taxes, increased wealth by freedom of commerce with little tax and regulation, and respect for the individual rights and they’re enumeration and protections within the constitution.
For these reasons, men like Mr. Henry David Thoreau and Abraham Lincoln stood up for the Individual rights of all the people, be they white, or men of color. They made distinction only in that they were people afflicted with the injustice of being unjustly held in bondage.
Republicanism is the Ethos that harkens back to the Spirit of American Revolution, and before that, the Magna Carta, and other high thinkers of the Enlightenment.
There has been no better governmental system devised before our own that allowed government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Is it imperfect? Yes . Did men do injustice despite a clear instructible recipe for justice? Yes . But with time it was these same kind of men who Crafted the Constitution, being forward thinkers, who ultimately have worked to correct these injustices .
And now, we can continually evolve towards a more perfect union, in recognizing each individual as the preeminent power from which our self governed system gains it’s strength.
Our Republican rights as individuals in an equal field of self governance is what sets us apart from the institutions elsewhere in the world. It is this unique conglomeration of strong and free individuals into a diverse yet unified people, that defines America, and drives our exceptional way of life.
We have a long way to go, to attain the Vision set forth by Mr. Henry David Thoreau . Of the state that principally accepts the preeminence of the individual . That’s highest priority is re-affirming the truth that our rights are natural and not at all under the jurisdiction of any government .
But along this path we have to be on guard for those who have falsely taken up the mantle of liberty, having never before risked anything to advance it .
I was going to ask of you to remember what party was on the wrong side of the civil war, the kkk, the Jim Crow era, and decay of the City today, but i will not, i will not tell you what you should believe, I will leave that for the others.
I simply ask that you make your own mind up, in this regard, and I wish also to remind you of what freedom tastes like. And to say, to be wary of those people, who wish to control you, in that they may still yet have not lost their desire to hold you in bondage .
It comes down to this .
Republicans stand for Small, Accountable, Government .
Democrats stand for Big, Unaccountable, Government .
If the government is now lost in it’s way,
And wrongly thinks it has the authority over you,
I would then , desire the corrupt institution be smaller, and for the people to have their remedy .
The alternative is a Large , noticeable Gov presence, that will not answer to the lowly common man, in it’s size and action, too large to concern with matters of the individual .
One party offers you Freedom , the other , offers you a Cold Embrace.
Search your heart .
In the privacy of that Voting Booth , there is nobody but you and God to see you’re decision .
I ask of you , look deep inside, and do what you Know is Right ..
DOWNLOAD THIS IN PRINTABLE .RTF FORMAT >>> fordfab.com/free.download.operation.emancipation.rtf
you may share - repost - and distribute this free of charge
Good Day,
As you know , we are in a fight .
The Outcome of this Battle will determine if we can keep our American way of life ; our Liberty , our Pursuit of Happiness , and indeed our very Lives .
Now is the time to take all measures to Win this Fight .
This battle is not For Donald Trump , this battle is for You, your Children , their Children , and the America our Grandfathers fought and bled to preserve .
As it is , our system of Governance is already deeply undermined . Our Individual Rights are continually eroded , in the near future , ‘ay I say , if You don’t act on my words now , in mere months , we will have a new ruler who will cement the worst possible of policies , and you will find that our course will be unrecoverable .
In this case , we must choose to fight , or flee the impending de-revolution of America .
I have no money to speed my flight , and in any event where else can i go to raise my children that is a better place than we were . And what will happen if the Guiding Light of American Exceptionalism and Freedom is extinguished ?
No i will fight , and now , rather then later , while we can effect the outcome before the situation becomes irreconcilable . We Can Win at the Ballot Box .
I appeal to YOU . . . Yes YOU . . . To spread this message to everyone you know, and to go out as an army of informed citizens . YOU must Copy this Document , Go to Staples or Office Depot , or some other printer , or use you’re own printer .
I do not believe the polls .. I think Donald will exceed expectations with record number of disaffected democrats , new voters , and non frequent voters . However , we must also account for the democrats’ well refined voter fraud machine , the newly registered illegal alien vote , and the McCain , Ryan establishment types that will vote against principle for personal advancement .
We can leave nothing to chance .. This is it .. If we lose this election the republican party will split forever and the 2 wings will be irreconcilable divided , and we will never again be able to effectively challenge the democrats at the ballot box again in our lifetimes .. That coupled with the would be disastrous supreme court anointments would spell the end of internet media , free speech , the right to bear arms , freedom from police brutality .. Our way of life as Americans hangs in the balance . We cannot chance a loss ..
Even with the recent Criminal Investigations having been re-opened .. We cannot for a moment be content with false confidence . Remember , much of the population , would vote for the devil himself if he offered them something for free . We must push harder then ever to exploit the weakness in the enemy line .. If we push and keep pushing and take it in each of our hands to DO SOMETHING we can envelop them and carry the day ..
Most voters are by now, decided in how they will cast their ballot .. But there is one segment of our population .. That Donald has , to his credit , reached out to , because rightly his message , our message of freedom , with them should resonate ..
as it stands , Donald Trump WILL win AT LEAST 20% of the African American Vote , BUT , if he gets 50% of the black vote . He , and We , will be assured absolute victory .
This should be an easy accomplishment , as the Republican party has always stood for and fought for freedom .
For my contribution , I have revised and re-published the book :
Promoting justice and the Emancipation of the Black Man , written 167 years ago .
Donald Trump says ‘what do you have to lose?’ This publication answers WHY any person of color should ask themselves this question .
One / Third of African Americans who read this . I believe . Will see the truth , and vote for Donald Trump .
A 30% #Persons Of Color switch from HRC plus the 20% who will already likely vote Donald .. Makes for 50 percent .
This is absolutely enough to Guarantee a Victory for Freedom and Prosperity .
I think if these voters read this story and remember the roots of their freedom , many will consider making a choice that advances real freedom today .
I am not in a position to print millions of copies and distribute them to every person in line for the voting booth in these key American Cities . But i can make the content , and call on you . The American Patriot , to go forth and fight for Real Truth and Justice .
Myself .. I am quite poor , that’s why i so desperately need a Donald Trump Presidency , because we need to make America RICH again , that’s priority numero uno . Because poor people don’t buy my Product , as an aspiring small business man .
But in my poverty and experiences , I think that I can , through my message , reach these voters . Treatment by those who govern over us has most to do with , in my opinion , somebodies social and economic status . That often also bleeds over to racial status , but nonetheless i think that many people of color are oppressed , often because they are poor , beyond just their skin type . but in any event , they should be with us , and it needs doing desperately , and now .
What you have to do . Is download this , and email it to Staples or Office Max or some other Printer , it’s in RTF format for windows , and have them print and staple $100 dollars worth .
After Voting yourself . Go and Distribute these to everyone in the voting lines in these key cities . Black White or Brown . Get it into every persons hand who is thinking about voting for Hillary Clinton . We need them to really Think about this choice . Our Future Hangs in the Balance .
This needs to be in the hand of anyone voting in ;
Columbus , Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo , Akron , Dayton , Youngstown , suburbs , OHIO
Jacksonville , Miami , Tampa , Orlando , St. Petersburg , Hialeah , Tallahassee , Fort Lauderdale , suburbs , FLORIDA
Philadelphia , Pittsburg , Allentown , Erie , Scranton , Lancaster , suburbs , PENNSYLVANIA
Virginia Beach , Norfolk , Chesapeake , Richmond , Newport News , Alexandria , Hampton , Roanoke , Portsmouth , suburbs , VIRGINIA
Charlotte , Raleigh , Greensboro , Durham , Winstorn-Salem , Fayetteville , suburbs , VIRGINIA
Manchester , Nashua , Concord , Derry , Merrimack ,Deene , Portsmouth , suburbs , NEW HAMPSHIRE
Des Moines , Cedar Rapids , Davenport , Sioux City , Iowa City , Council Bluffs , Ames , suburbs , IOWA
Las Vegas , suburbs , NEVADA
YOU . If you live within driving distance of one of these locations . Don’t just Think about it . Read my Re-Publication . Download it . Send it to the Printer . Share the Document with your Friends . Go out on Nov 8th and Pass them OUT .
Don’t wait for anyone to do it for you , We NEED this , We need to WIN . DO IT !
DOWNLOAD THIS IN PRINTABLE .RTF FORMAT >>> fordfab.com/free.download.operation.emancipation.rtf
** ** **
Do you not resist cold and hunger? The winds and waves, thus obstinately; you quietly submit to a thousand similar necessities. You do not put your head into the fire. But just in proportion as I regard this as not wholly a brute force, but partly a human force, and consider that I have relations to those millions as too so many millions of men, and not of mere brute or inanimate things, I see that appeal is possible, first and instantaneously, from them to the Maker of them, and, secondly, from them to themselves. But if i put my head deliberately into the fire, there is no appeal to the Maker of Fire,
and I have only myself to blame.
If i could convince myself that i have any right to be satisfied with men as they are, and to treat them accordingly , and nor according, in some respects, to my requisitions and expectations of what they and I ought to be, then, I should endeavor to be satisfied with things as they are, and say it is the will of God.
Above all, there is a difference between resisting this and a purely brute or natural force, that i can resist this with some effect; but I cannot expect, like Orpheus, to change the nature of the rocks and trees and beasts.
I do not wish to quarrel with any man or nation I do not wish to split hairs, to make fine distinctions, or set myself up as better than my neighbors. I seek rather, I may say, even an excuse for conforming to the laws of the land. I am but too ready to conform to them. Indeed, I have reason to suspect myself on this head; and each year, as the tax-gatherer comes round, I find myself disposed to review the acts and position of the general and state governments.
I have to believe that in the future we can effect change in the state of government such that I feel not aggrieved nor oppressed nor that they would use my money in act of oppression, that we can have mechanisms for redress, that our natural rights can be protected, and then all matter of this sort of work will be out of my hands, and then i shall be no better patriot than my fellow-countrymen.
Seen with a broader point of view, the Constitution, with it’s faults, is very good . Some laws and most courts are very respectable; even this state and the American government are, in many respects, very admirable, and rare things, to be thankful for, such as a great many have described them.
However, the government does not concern me much, and I shall bestow the fewest possible thoughts on it. It is not many moments that I live under a government, even in this world . If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot interrupt him.
I know that most men think differently from myself; but those whose lives are by profession devoted to the study of these or kindred subjects content me as little as any. Statesmen and legislators, standing so completely within established institution, never distinctly and nakedly behold it.
Though we know of no purer sources of truth, who have traced up it’s stream no higher, stand and wisely stand, by the Bible and the Constitution, whence they have beheld it and the drink comes trickling into this lake or that pool, they gird up their loins once more, and continue their pilgrimage away from it’s fountainhead.
Few men of genius for the legislation have appeared in America. They are rare in the history of the world. There are orators, politicians, and eloquent men, by the thousand; yet they can find no speaker to answer the most vexed questions of the day. We love eloquence for it’s own sake, and not for any truth which it may utter, or any heroism it may inspire.
Our legislators have not yet learned the comparative value of; a simple transparent tax system, reducing the burden of rules and regulation instead of constantly impressing more, rooting out corruption, promotion and protection of our Natural Rights.
No genius or talent in the legislature has stepped forward, and answered the comparatively humble questions of; encouraging private promotion of finance for American innovators of little means, stimulating main street commerce, protecting manufacturers, in-shoring our jobs, defending our borders, and our culture, and our Future.
If we were left solely to the wordy wit of politicians for our guidance , uncorrected by seasoned experience and effectual complaints of the people, American would have long ago reduced her rank among the nations.
The authority of government, even such as I am willing to submit to --
For I will cheerfully obey those who know better and can do better than I, and in many things even those who neither know nor can do so well -- is still an impure one:
To be righteous, it must have sanction and consent of the governed. It has no pure right over my person or property above what i concede to it.
The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democratic republic, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual.
Even the chinese philosopher was wise enough to recognize the individual as the basis of the empire. Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government?
Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing then enshrining and protecting the individual rights of man?
There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all it’s own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.
I please myself with imagining a state at last which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which would not think it inconsistent with it’s own repose if each were allowed to live with common recognition of individual rights and sovereignty, a place where each man were a king in his castle, that we could agree to conform to a recognition of non-conformity, and respect each one another as a free individual. Allowance of real estate property ownership, protection from government of our privacy, property, and above all recognition and protection of our natural rights.
This more perfect and glorious state I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen.
This work, entitled On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, was written 167 years ago by Mr. Henry David Thoreau. I, Leroy Thurman Sr. have merely translated it in more modern parlance, so that it’s more easily understood in todays common style of reading .
I can say , that I am generally in agreement with Thoreau’s points of view , though in some matters our opinions differ, for instance, his portrayal of the evils of a standing army. One must remember in his era, a standing (of full time) army was a very European concept .
I do not seek however to overly parce his message , and only seek to convey it to you . In this , and in most every other part , when possible and practical , i have preserved the intent of Mr. Thoreau’s writings completely .
Today, it’s important that we remember him, and his contemporaries , and the cause for which they were fighting for. You may rightly see, that his words representing radical Republicanism; small, accountable government, answerable to the will of the people, were in cause of true righteousness.
We remember that the principal reason that he was resisting the government, and also encouraged others to do so, in writings and deeds were done to correct the injustice of Slavery .
He did choose, risking personal injury, to resist the law of his time, to stand apart from injustice, as enshrined in law, the ownership and bonding of another fellow man. To do the Right Thing.
We should remember that men such as this, who agitated for liberation, and liberty, represent TRUE liberalism, for the most part, their struggle was not to free the oppressed black man; but to free the oppressed man without regard to his color, because there is no greater injustice then to withhold and deny any man’s freedom and liberty.
We too remember that this was the cause of Honest Abe, the Emancipator of the Republic, himself a Radical Republican ..
We should remember what Republicanism stands for, and also whom it has stood up for.
All the people, recognised as being unique and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, to self govern, to speak as you wish, to protect yourself, for protection from government oppression, your rights to privacy, and protection from extrajudicial harm from sculious accusers.
Most importantly Republicanism stands for small government, low taxes, increased wealth by freedom of commerce with little tax and regulation, and respect for the individual rights and they’re enumeration and protections within the constitution.
For these reasons, men like Mr. Henry David Thoreau and Abraham Lincoln stood up for the Individual rights of all the people, be they white, or men of color. They made distinction only in that they were people afflicted with the injustice of being unjustly held in bondage.
Republicanism is the Ethos that harkens back to the Spirit of American Revolution, and before that, the Magna Carta, and other high thinkers of the Enlightenment.
There has been no better governmental system devised before our own that allowed government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Is it imperfect? Yes . Did men do injustice despite a clear instructible recipe for justice? Yes . But with time it was these same kind of men who Crafted the Constitution, being forward thinkers, who ultimately have worked to correct these injustices .
And now, we can continually evolve towards a more perfect union, in recognizing each individual as the preeminent power from which our self governed system gains it’s strength.
Our Republican rights as individuals in an equal field of self governance is what sets us apart from the institutions elsewhere in the world. It is this unique conglomeration of strong and free individuals into a diverse yet unified people, that defines America, and drives our exceptional way of life.
We have a long way to go, to attain the Vision set forth by Mr. Henry David Thoreau . Of the state that principally accepts the preeminence of the individual . That’s highest priority is re-affirming the truth that our rights are natural and not at all under the jurisdiction of any government .
But along this path we have to be on guard for those who have falsely taken up the mantle of liberty, having never before risked anything to advance it .
I was going to ask of you to remember what party was on the wrong side of the civil war, the kkk, the Jim Crow era, and decay of the City today, but i will not, i will not tell you what you should believe, I will leave that for the others.
I simply ask that you make your own mind up, in this regard, and I wish also to remind you of what freedom tastes like. And to say, to be wary of those people, who wish to control you, in that they may still yet have not lost their desire to hold you in bondage .
It comes down to this .
Republicans stand for Small, Accountable, Government .
Democrats stand for Big, Unaccountable, Government .
If the government is now lost in it’s way,
And wrongly thinks it has the authority over you,
I would then , desire the corrupt institution be smaller, and for the people to have their remedy .
The alternative is a Large , noticeable Gov presence, that will not answer to the lowly common man, in it’s size and action, too large to concern with matters of the individual .
One party offers you Freedom , the other , offers you a Cold Embrace.
Search your heart .
In the privacy of that Voting Booth , there is nobody but you and God to see you’re decision .
I ask of you , look deep inside, and do what you Know is Right ..
DOWNLOAD THIS IN PRINTABLE .RTF FORMAT >>> fordfab.com/free.download.operation.emancipation.rtf
you may share - repost - and distribute this free of charge
Good Day,
As you know , we are in a fight .
The Outcome of this Battle will determine if we can keep our American way of life ; our Liberty , our Pursuit of Happiness , and indeed our very Lives .
Now is the time to take all measures to Win this Fight .
This battle is not For Donald Trump , this battle is for You, your Children , their Children , and the America our Grandfathers fought and bled to preserve .
As it is , our system of Governance is already deeply undermined . Our Individual Rights are continually eroded , in the near future , ‘ay I say , if You don’t act on my words now , in mere months , we will have a new ruler who will cement the worst possible of policies , and you will find that our course will be unrecoverable .
In this case , we must choose to fight , or flee the impending de-revolution of America .
I have no money to speed my flight , and in any event where else can i go to raise my children that is a better place than we were . And what will happen if the Guiding Light of American Exceptionalism and Freedom is extinguished ?
No i will fight , and now , rather then later , while we can effect the outcome before the situation becomes irreconcilable . We Can Win at the Ballot Box .
I appeal to YOU . . . Yes YOU . . . To spread this message to everyone you know, and to go out as an army of informed citizens . YOU must Copy this Document , Go to Staples or Office Depot , or some other printer , or use you’re own printer .
I do not believe the polls .. I think Donald will exceed expectations with record number of disaffected democrats , new voters , and non frequent voters . However , we must also account for the democrats’ well refined voter fraud machine , the newly registered illegal alien vote , and the McCain , Ryan establishment types that will vote against principle for personal advancement .
We can leave nothing to chance .. This is it .. If we lose this election the republican party will split forever and the 2 wings will be irreconcilable divided , and we will never again be able to effectively challenge the democrats at the ballot box again in our lifetimes .. That coupled with the would be disastrous supreme court anointments would spell the end of internet media , free speech , the right to bear arms , freedom from police brutality .. Our way of life as Americans hangs in the balance . We cannot chance a loss ..
Even with the recent Criminal Investigations having been re-opened .. We cannot for a moment be content with false confidence . Remember , much of the population , would vote for the devil himself if he offered them something for free . We must push harder then ever to exploit the weakness in the enemy line .. If we push and keep pushing and take it in each of our hands to DO SOMETHING we can envelop them and carry the day ..
Most voters are by now, decided in how they will cast their ballot .. But there is one segment of our population .. That Donald has , to his credit , reached out to , because rightly his message , our message of freedom , with them should resonate ..
as it stands , Donald Trump WILL win AT LEAST 20% of the African American Vote , BUT , if he gets 50% of the black vote . He , and We , will be assured absolute victory .
This should be an easy accomplishment , as the Republican party has always stood for and fought for freedom .
For my contribution , I have revised and re-published the book :
Promoting justice and the Emancipation of the Black Man , written 167 years ago .
Donald Trump says ‘what do you have to lose?’ This publication answers WHY any person of color should ask themselves this question .
One / Third of African Americans who read this . I believe . Will see the truth , and vote for Donald Trump .
A 30% #Persons Of Color switch from HRC plus the 20% who will already likely vote Donald .. Makes for 50 percent .
This is absolutely enough to Guarantee a Victory for Freedom and Prosperity .
I think if these voters read this story and remember the roots of their freedom , many will consider making a choice that advances real freedom today .
I am not in a position to print millions of copies and distribute them to every person in line for the voting booth in these key American Cities . But i can make the content , and call on you . The American Patriot , to go forth and fight for Real Truth and Justice .
Myself .. I am quite poor , that’s why i so desperately need a Donald Trump Presidency , because we need to make America RICH again , that’s priority numero uno . Because poor people don’t buy my Product , as an aspiring small business man .
But in my poverty and experiences , I think that I can , through my message , reach these voters . Treatment by those who govern over us has most to do with , in my opinion , somebodies social and economic status . That often also bleeds over to racial status , but nonetheless i think that many people of color are oppressed , often because they are poor , beyond just their skin type . but in any event , they should be with us , and it needs doing desperately , and now .
What you have to do . Is download this , and email it to Staples or Office Max or some other Printer , it’s in RTF format for windows , and have them print and staple $100 dollars worth .
After Voting yourself . Go and Distribute these to everyone in the voting lines in these key cities . Black White or Brown . Get it into every persons hand who is thinking about voting for Hillary Clinton . We need them to really Think about this choice . Our Future Hangs in the Balance .
This needs to be in the hand of anyone voting in ;
Columbus , Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo , Akron , Dayton , Youngstown , suburbs , OHIO
Jacksonville , Miami , Tampa , Orlando , St. Petersburg , Hialeah , Tallahassee , Fort Lauderdale , suburbs , FLORIDA
Philadelphia , Pittsburg , Allentown , Erie , Scranton , Lancaster , suburbs , PENNSYLVANIA
Virginia Beach , Norfolk , Chesapeake , Richmond , Newport News , Alexandria , Hampton , Roanoke , Portsmouth , suburbs , VIRGINIA
Charlotte , Raleigh , Greensboro , Durham , Winstorn-Salem , Fayetteville , suburbs , VIRGINIA
Manchester , Nashua , Concord , Derry , Merrimack ,Deene , Portsmouth , suburbs , NEW HAMPSHIRE
Des Moines , Cedar Rapids , Davenport , Sioux City , Iowa City , Council Bluffs , Ames , suburbs , IOWA
Las Vegas , suburbs , NEVADA
YOU . If you live within driving distance of one of these locations . Don’t just Think about it . Read my Re-Publication . Download it . Send it to the Printer . Share the Document with your Friends . Go out on Nov 8th and Pass them OUT .
Don’t wait for anyone to do it for you , We NEED this , We need to WIN . DO IT !
DOWNLOAD THIS IN PRINTABLE .RTF FORMAT >>> fordfab.com/free.download.operation.emancipation.rtf