On the Issues: Giuliani and Richardson most moderate of contenders

I like that he is a little more liberal on social issues. I dont see how that is a bad thing.

Now his support for the war.. thats not good.
I like Richardson. And while I do not like Gulianni, especally his take on the war, I think a Pro-Choice Republican president might do more good than bad in the long run by once and for all ridding the Republican party of the evils of the Religous Right!
Is this judgement of moderation based on current speak or past actions ?
Or both ?

And yes we need someone with balls and their head on straight.

No wussicrat of neocon.
I like Richardson. And while I do not like Gulianni, especally his take on the war, I think a Pro-Choice Republican president might do more good than bad in the long run by once and for all ridding the Republican party of the evils of the Religous Right!

I like Richardson, but his position on bringing our troops home is far from moderate.
True dat Damo. Bush was a good leader down the road to hell.
Bush is not conservative, not liberal and not moderate. Honestly neo-con is the best we have now. But there needs to be something better. The "One World" party.

People who believe that anything should be done to promote the goal of one-world government, more specifically one that mirrors closely that of the US...

Including attacking Iraq, leaving the border wide open and doing nothing about port security during a "War on Terror!".

If getting stuff done that you had on your agenda was leadership, then Bush would sure be a "leader". He has had very little failure, even when the Rs lost the Senate and the House...

However, that isn't a sign of good leadership. He has harmed the RR, hopefully beyond repair.
Yeah but he rallied the people to war. Well him and the right wing pundits. I do not think that without Fox and the rest of the right wing media pundits that we would have invaded Iraq.