APP - Once and for all please spell it out for all to see


Former Vice President
So the common trope among all of our friends on the left is that somehow the Russians "hacked our election". It is a very serious charge and one that if true would constitute an act of war. However the accusations seem lacking in specifics to me. I have asked numerous times in numerous threads for people to really spell out what they think happened in specific detail.

What was hacked?
Who was hacked?
Who hacked it?
How did it specifically impact the outcome of the election?

I would think that accusing another country of this serious a charge warrants some to come up with more than generalities.

As a token of my good faith, I am lifting all thread bans. So let me see what ya got
So the common trope among all of our friends on the left is that somehow the Russians "hacked our election". It is a very serious charge and one that if true would constitute an act of war. However the accusations seem lacking in specifics to me. I have asked numerous times in numerous threads for people to really spell out what they think happened in specific detail.

What was hacked?
Who was hacked?
Who hacked it?
How did it specifically impact the outcome of the election?

I would think that accusing another country of this serious a charge warrants some to come up with more than generalities.

As a token of my good faith, I am lifting all thread bans. So let me see what ya got

You left out, How was it hacked?
I must say I am very disappointed with the poor showing from our friends on the left. I guess I can only conclude from the lack of participation that the hand wringing and caterwauling is nothing more than kabuki theater meant to distract and divide.
Still nothing? How disheartening. I was hoping some of the liberal brain trust could really outline what happened

Maybe they don't really believe it themselves?
I think you are asking the wrong people. You'd need to ask Russian and American secret service for detailed information. No average Joe is gonna know.

But that said, there does not appear to be Russian hacking of the voting apparatus. If they did I would think the information would have been mentioned by now? But did Russia interfere in the media and information aspect of elections? Maybe, but I doubt it mattered. Hillary hatred had twenty five years to simmer. And republicans created an atmosphere in which government became the problem. The Donald stepped in at the right time, a Black man had been president and nothing he did was supported by the republicans. They denied his very existence and yet he did good.

As far as Trump's win, he won because the idiots in PA and other states didn't come out and vote, the number were so close. Did they think Hillary had it in the bag? Maybe but maybe too next time the fools will vote.

Of course our congress is concerned but any a-hole that uses password as their password deserves to be hacked. More important things to worry about in American than some Russian trolls and spies.


The Russian's are to blame, yea, sure thing. Twenty five years of hate media in America had nothing to do with it? Why not criticize the crap that appears on Fox so called news every day, every single day. Who needs the Russians when you have right wing radio and corporate conservative sponsored media. Hillary did nothing illegal or criminal, nothing Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell, and much of the Bush administration didn't do. But hate is taught, it is cultivated, and soon it becomes part of the dialogue, a response rather than a thought. The republicans get credit, if credit is a valid concept here, for creating an imaginary Hillary their followers could scream about, wear in effigy, and hope for jail. They did the same these past eight years about President Obama. The grand irony is that Trump's organizations were actually found doing illegal actions and sued for dishonest advertising.

"Trump’s win re-contextualized certain TV trends for me. It reconfigured the long farce of network haplessness as a tragedy. If the story of the election is the story of two Americas, and never our bubbles shall meet, the almost-total disappearance of blockbuster network shows — and then the rapid evaporation of even those shows that did break out, ahem, Empire — is more than a clueless tale of feckless, uncreative bureaucracy. It is a civic loss. So much of what happened in this election can be traced back to a vanished shared mass media, such that Americans can no longer agree on the veracity of verifiable facts. That we don’t even share our stories anymore, that we don’t share Lucy or Mary, Sanford or Seinfeld (which made Steve Bannon rich!) is an accentuating note to a devastating aria. Netflix may be well on its way to creating enough content to replace the networks, but its 45 million subscribers are still less than half of the number of households who pay for regular television."