Once upon a time


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Once upon a time I liked watching 60 minutes, back when Democrats actually were mostly civil libertarians and back before the major leftist media turned into a propaganda machine and apologist for the Democrat Party. I must admit I was tempted again to flip them on just to watch Scott Pelley’s interview with Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director and acting FBI Director after Trump fired James Comey.
It was all I could do to stay quietly in my chair while stewing with frustration to be able to ask the questions of McCabe myself, and becoming furious that Pelley was soft-ball-ing the interview to the point of being sickening and pathetic. Pelley a known left-winger gave it the old Marxist College Try to make McCabe look like some kind of hero, a man to be pitted and a man of some kind of higher authority like the FBI cabal members like himself, James Comey and Peter Strzok, two other criminals, that believe they are, who operated the coup-de-qua to overthrow Donald Trump’s Presidency and in that quest exonerate the felonious Hillary Clinton for her crimes against America. I wanted with all my might to ask McCabe why they used the infamous, discredited Steel Dossier to acquire a FISA warrant to investigate Trump and Russian collusion?

Didn’t McCabe know doing that was a crime?

Why did McCabe believe that an investigation into Trump based on such flimsy, discredited evidence was as immanent as he thought it was? Didn’t he know that such scamming of a FISA Judge could land you in jail?

Why there was no investigation into Hillary Clinton was ever conducted for her financing the Steel dossier?

Why no investigation was ever conducted into Hillary Clinton’s Russian collusion with Steel since he and his dossier was known by the FBI to have been created by a Russian and to be a lie?

We won’t ever hear the whole truth from major leftist media folks! If anything comes from them it’ll be attempts to excuse and cover up for the criminals that instituted and operated America’s first known Coup-De-Qua to overthrow an American duly elected President. Every American regardless of political party or ideology should be scared shitless and outraged of such criminal conduct by America’s institutions for the rule of law and equal justice But we’re not getting that folks! We also have an enabling leftist media cheering the cabal on and turning America into a third world elitist cartel of crooks. Washington DC. is the asshole of America!!!