Onceler's thread about Yurt and rep

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
onceler's constant spamming the board in every forum in numerous threads about me and rep is getting tiring and its a distraction to actual discussions, so i thought i would create a place for him to deposit all his whining about yurt and rep in one place. perhaps the mods can move all his posts about yurt and rep here.

Sure - that's why you keep starting threads about it and talking about rep. Rep is your religion; I am genuinely concerned for you now that it is no more...

this is the first thread i've created about your constant whining about yurt and rep all over the board

i do appreciate that you found your way here, please keep all future comments about me and rep here....the board doesn't need you to spam it with your obsession about me and rep

this is the first thread i've created about your constant whining about yurt and rep all over the board

i do appreciate that you found your way here, please keep all future comments about me and rep here....the board doesn't need you to spam it with your obsession about me and rep


Can't make any promises there, Yurtsie. There are dozens of threads where rep has come up, and your first response is to bring me up (head-scratcher, I know).

So, ya know, when that happens, I'll probably respond.

Oh, and before I forget - Yurtsie hearts rep.
