One day you will be dead, everyone else will go on without you


on indefiniate mod break
You wont be in the club anymore

You'll be gone, you wont exist. This is the natural course for every human that has ever existed before us. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. We tend not to think about it, busying ourselves with daily activities. But there isn't any escaping this. One day it'll be you in the coffin, and the rest of the world will move on without you, soon forgetting you and your insignificant contribution to the human condition.

in 100 years no one will remember your name or accomplishments.

To what end guys? To what end?
Is this the first time you've given this extensive thought?
Ahahahahah, it is a common occurrence for people in their thirty's, they face their mortality, but he, if I am correct, is not that old and is having premature thinking!
You wont be in the club anymore

You'll be gone, you wont exist. This is the natural course for every human that has ever existed before us. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. We tend not to think about it, busying ourselves with daily activities. But there isn't any escaping this. One day it'll be you in the coffin, and the rest of the world will move on without you, soon forgetting you and your insignificant contribution to the human condition.

in 100 years no one will remember your name or accomplishments.

To what end guys? To what end?
To a life on this Earth that is at times joyous, at times taxing, at times in love, at times up, at times down, at times young, then times well and then ill, having children and then their going their own way to become parents or not...the roller coaster that is life!

I don't have the perfect life, but it has been good to me as a general rule, not perfect, but I try to make the best of the "present".

For everything there is a season...
Ahahahahah, it is a common occurrence for people in their thirty's, they face their mortality, but he, if I am correct, is not that old and is having premature thinking!

Every night in front of the bathroom mirror, he experiences something else prematurely.
Is this the first time you've given this extensive thought?

ive thought about it before but recently I read the account of someone that was declared clinically dead but was later revived. She described the process of dying, as she was bleeding to death in the hospital:

she first could see everything around her (she was still alert) and then her vision began to cloud, darkness crept up on her periphrial vision, and a calmness came over her that she described as "that buzzed drunk feeling", then everything went dark, she at this time knew she was dying, she could hear the voices of the docters (hearing is the last to go) and then BAM.. nothingness. She was later revived.

everyone obviously knows we all die, but it's very interesting to really really think that that moment is shared by every human at some point.

Luckily, we have the possability of the singularity and life extension. :good4u:
Well honestly the possibility of your life being extended beyond even 100 years is already pretty low - 200 years is just the longest I can think of without it getting absurd.
nope because in those extra years we'll achieve even more progress and possibly even reduce/eliminate the affects of aging. Exponential technological progress my friend. it's a wonderous time.
but lets not be optimistic right now. We'll probably fuck that up somehow. All the more tragic, theoretically possible to extend life indefinitely, we are on the brink, and we'll be among the few last generations to fall into an eternity of nothingness. makes me not want to have kids just to spite the future human race. if i can't have it no one can. fuck progress.
but lets not be optimistic right now. We'll probably fuck that up somehow. All the more tragic, theoretically possible to extend life indefinitely, we are on the brink, and we'll be among the few last generations to fall into an eternity of nothingness. makes me not want to have kids just to spite the future human race. if i can't have it no one can. fuck progress.

Fuck progress? Fuck you!!
ive thought about it before but recently I read the account of someone that was declared clinically dead but was later revived. She described the process of dying, as she was bleeding to death in the hospital:

she first could see everything around her (she was still alert) and then her vision began to cloud, darkness crept up on her periphrial vision, and a calmness came over her that she described as "that buzzed drunk feeling", then everything went dark, she at this time knew she was dying, she could hear the voices of the docters (hearing is the last to go) and then BAM.. nothingness. She was later revived.

everyone obviously knows we all die, but it's very interesting to really really think that that moment is shared by every human at some point.

Luckily, we have the possability of the singularity and life extension. :good4u:

my brother experienced several heart attacks before the one that finally took was in the hospital and he said he heard the doctor tell his son "we lost him" and heard the whole commotion of bringing the crash cart, "Clear", the whole works.....he said he was trying to tell them he wasn't dead, but apparently he was......
but lets not be optimistic right now. We'll probably fuck that up somehow. All the more tragic, theoretically possible to extend life indefinitely, we are on the brink, and we'll be among the few last generations to fall into an eternity of nothingness. makes me not want to have kids just to spite the future human race. if i can't have it no one can. fuck progress.

C'mon Grind, don't be so morbid. Enjoy life while you still can.
You wont be in the club anymore

You'll be gone, you wont exist. This is the natural course for every human that has ever existed before us. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. We tend not to think about it, busying ourselves with daily activities. But there isn't any escaping this. One day it'll be you in the coffin, and the rest of the world will move on without you, soon forgetting you and your insignificant contribution to the human condition.

in 100 years no one will remember your name or accomplishments.

To what end guys? To what end?

I think it's clear we're here for a good time and not a long time so let's get the party started.