One Final Reminder for Liberal Democrats


Just to remind all Liberal Democrats that this midterm election is about punishing Bush over Iraq and Foley and for a simple party change which is typical.

It is NOT about Liberal Dem giant spending plans like universal healthcare, free college tuition, corp welfare for stem cell research and the usual bunch of Dem "ideas" (as in if you mention something, they throw more money or sorry 'funding' at it), nor does America want any tax increases at all.

So remember that should you overtake either branch of congress tomorrow.
if we do overtake either house of congress, it will be because the American people are sick and tired of you assholes...and they will want change, not gridlock.

Already voted early...strickley conservative 'American Independent' with the exception of a couple then voted GOP...!:tongout:
what's the difference between republicans in office and president bush? the vote against repubs, or against bush, is one and the same as far as i am concerned....i mean, it's not like they are any different than the pres...they voted, pretty much, lockstep with him, giving him kingship, for a lack of a better word....
Perhaps, I think it was an embareresed Bush supporter reaction.
If you are hacked, and don't want to vote D, what do you suggest that they should do? Just vote R anyway? Come on. The "Don't vote third party as an anger vote" thing is getting a little old. If they normally would vote R or D but vote third party, it makes a difference.
Just to remind all Liberal Democrats that this midterm election is about punishing Bush over Iraq and Foley and for a simple party change which is typical.

It is NOT about Liberal Dem giant spending plans like universal healthcare, free college tuition, corp welfare for stem cell research and the usual bunch of Dem "ideas" (as in if you mention something, they throw more money or sorry 'funding' at it), nor does America want any tax increases at all.

So remember that should you overtake either branch of congress tomorrow.

This is one man's opinion, a man by the way who couldn't handle the results of last night's count and is evidently off sulking this morning but whose ego will allow him to speak for all of America. And even force him to tell us what America does and does not want; as if by his personification, America could become a real human being rather than a country where majority rule is still the ploitical norm, and there are still losers and winners and there is no consensus and the government is still composed of the most conservative people in the country--the rich. There is only one person in the Senate--Bernie Sanders, the self-desrcibed socialist from Vermont who is advocating all the things that this poster here attributed to the whole Democratic Party--unfortunately for the Democrats, America and this poster--Sanders is an Independent. Od course this is only one of a large number of things that this poster has been in error about. BYE BYE