One for LadyT


Villified User
Iowa town offers bounty on stray cats
Associated Press Writer

Attention, cat haters: There's money to be made in Randolph, which is offering a $5 bounty for each feral feline turned in.

Those not claimed will be destroyed.

Mayor Vance Trively says that the southwest Iowa town of 200 people is being overrun by dozens of feral cats and needed to do something.

"You can't just let them keep multiplying in town," Trively said Tuesday.

Town officials approved the bounty after receiving numerous complaints, ranging from a cat attacking a small dog to a dozen cats showing up at the bowl when a resident tried to feed his own cat.

"One guy threatened to shoot all of them. I told him he couldn't do that in town. Other people talk about poisoning them, but you can't do that in town," Trively said.

Under the new policy, stray cats without collars will be taken to a veterinarian in the nearby town of Sidney - Randolph has no vet clinic - where they'll be kept "for a time for people to claim them," the mayor said.

If no one does, they'll be euthanized and buried.
A friend of mine has spearheaded a Trap/Neuter/Release program here, where stray cats are trapped, given all shots including rabies, spayed or neutered, identified as treated by putting a notch in one ear, then released where they were found. They also get volunteers to go and feed the colonies and provide water for them.

The philosophy is that colonies of stray cats that have been so treated won't spread diseases or reproduce and that they keep other cats from occupying the niche that they already occupy. The flaws in this, sadly, are all too obvious. True, they don't spread disease, but the colonies are not static; newcomers do join. In addition, being well fed doesn't stop them one second from preying on the songbirds in their area.

I love my friend, but can't support her in this. My vet feels as I do.
The animal shelter here does not even accept cats. The unofficial word is to just shoot em. Unless of course you live in town.
The single animal control officer was trapping strays besides Arbys in town and while he was there (had already gotten about 10 in his truck) a lady came by and threw out pork chops for the strays to eat.....
A friend of mine has spearheaded a Trap/Neuter/Release program here, where stray cats are trapped, given all shots including rabies, spayed or neutered, identified as treated by putting a notch in one ear, then released where they were found. They also get volunteers to go and feed the colonies and provide water for them.

The philosophy is that colonies of stray cats that have been so treated won't spread diseases or reproduce and that they keep other cats from occupying the niche that they already occupy. The flaws in this, sadly, are all too obvious. True, they don't spread disease, but the colonies are not static; newcomers do join. In addition, being well fed doesn't stop them one second from preying on the songbirds in their area.

I love my friend, but can't support her in this. My vet feels as I do.

Trap neuter release: about 50$

Bullet: 1$

Bleeding heart liberals ruin everything.
50 Cal cost much more than a dollar last time I checked a few years ago.

.22 cal cost about a nickel or less each.

500 rounds of .22 were about $13 the last I bought.