One for the Ladies

cancel2 2022

That's hilarious!

The woman on the right is in "Coupling" (if it's still being broadcast), isn't she?
Do you mean Sarah Alexander? Coupling finished some time back, it was one of the cleverest and inventive comedies on the BBC but it crashed and burned when it was transferred to the US. They tried to remake it and completely screwed up.

I hate remakes! They always seem to completely lose the spirit of the original. She played "Susan", didn't she? That show was funny!

Another of my alltime favorites: Fawlty Towers. I still laugh to tears recalling that one with the psychiatrist/pediatrician couple, when John Cleese ended up squatted down, hopping like a frog at the end. Every single thing in that episode was screechingly funny.
I hate remakes! They always seem to completely lose the spirit of the original. She played "Susan", didn't she? That show was funny!

Another of my alltime favorites: Fawlty Towers. I still laugh to tears recalling that one with the psychiatrist/pediatrician couple, when John Cleese ended up squatted down, hopping like a frog at the end. Every single thing in that episode was screechingly funny.

The remake of the Office is pretty good though, a lot of that is down to Steve Carell.

My favourite episode of Fawlty Towers is the one with the American couple and the Waldorf Salad.

[ame=""]YouTube- Fawlty towers episode 8 "waldorf salad" part 1 of 3[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Fawlty towers episode 8 "waldorf salad" part 2 of 3[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Fawlty towers episode 8 "waldorf salad" part 3 of 3[/ame]
I remember that one, that bombastic s.o.b. from Pennsylvania, right? The "Ugly American" personified.
My dad orders a Waldorf Salad everytime my mom asks if he wants salad with dinner, thanks to that episode.

I think one of my all-time favorite Basil pranks is when he tricks Mrs. Richards into turning her hearing aid up full-blast and then shouts in face. Also, Basil screaming about the "P Off" (post office) to the guy in the lobby while bewildered guests stand by is another one I liked.
The remake of the Office is pretty good though, a lot of that is down to Steve Carell.

My favourite episode of Fawlty Towers is the one with the American couple and the Waldorf Salad.

YouTube- Fawlty towers episode 8 "waldorf salad" part 1 of 3

YouTube- Fawlty towers episode 8 "waldorf salad" part 2 of 3

YouTube- Fawlty towers episode 8 "waldorf salad" part 3 of 3

The Office is hilarious. Steve Carrell makes it but they all work so well together. I like Phyllis and her boyfriend/husband Bob Vance.