One-fourth of Americans are Underinsured


Will work for Scooby snacks
Somebody explain to me how the wealthiest country on the planet can tolerate this situation:

One-fourth of Americans ‘underinsured.’

“A new Consumer Reports study identifies the ‘underinsured’ — accounting for 24% of the U.S. population — living with skeletal health insurance that barely covers their medical needs and leaves them unprepared to pay for major medical expenses.” Sixteen percent of Americans have “no health plan at all,” according to the study:

Some 16 percent had no health plan at all, including many working respondents whose jobs didn’t offer insurance or who couldn’t afford the premiums of deductibles of the available plan.
Did you know that Mitt Romney said that the uninsured don't pay taxes, in that debate?

Sure they pay taxes. Every gallon of gas, and every pair of shoes that they buy are taxed.

I guess he was talking about income tax?
Sure they pay taxes. Every gallon of gas, and every pair of shoes that they buy are taxed.

I guess he was talking about income tax?

Yes, and I guess that means he is too stupid to know how many of the uninsured are working Americans?
Yep I am helping out a good friend who has a struggling small farm. He is injured and has no insurance. I guess the cows he sells generates no taxes down the pipeline either ? I am paying for a MRI for him and other such medical costs. He was always there for me so I can do no less.

He could not afford insurance, but cannot go on free stuff because the farm is worth a couple of hundred grand. what is he to do ?
Many are in this situation. I have been there myself.
Yep I am helping out a good friend who has a struggling small farm. He is injured and has no insurance. I guess the cows he sells generates no taxes down the pipeline either ? I am paying for a MRI for him and other such medical costs. He was always there for me so I can do no less.

He could not afford insurance, but cannot go on free stuff because the farm is worth a couple of hundred grand. what is he to do ?
Many are in this situation. I have been there myself.

This is pathetic and outrageous. Yet, we spend 10 billion a month in Iraq.
This is pathetic and outrageous. Yet, we spend 10 billion a month in Iraq.

yes it is, I mean they guy could borrowe against his farm and never be able to repay it, or sell the family multi generational farm, etc....
Anyone buying the farm could not make a go of it considering the land value so it would be broken up.
Yeah that might help the economy, but is it good for the future of America ?

I am glad I can help him out but there are hundreds more in his condition in my county alone....
Yep I am helping out a good friend who has a struggling small farm. He is injured and has no insurance. I guess the cows he sells generates no taxes down the pipeline either ? I am paying for a MRI for him and other such medical costs. He was always there for me so I can do no less.

He could not afford insurance, but cannot go on free stuff because the farm is worth a couple of hundred grand. what is he to do ?
Many are in this situation. I have been there myself.

I'm sorry about your friend usc. He is lucky to have a friend like you though.
For real.

It is very decent of you USC. Its a shame all americans aren't guaranteed affordable healthcare. I've helped out people without health insurance too, but charity can only take this country so far.
yes it is, I mean they guy could borrowe against his farm and never be able to repay it, or sell the family multi generational farm, etc....
Anyone buying the farm could not make a go of it considering the land value so it would be broken up.
Yeah that might help the economy, but is it good for the future of America ?

I am glad I can help him out but there are hundreds more in his condition in my county alone....

Gordon Gecko says :

"Of Course it's good for america!"