One More ½ & ½ Race Hustler


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Check the number of mixed race bureaucrats in positions of influence in the federal government, as well as in the Obama administration. The Chicago sewer rat himself was ½ & ½ as were many of the people he hired. Why is that important? ANSWER: It is important when you know how Democrats across the board conspire to advance non-existent racism.

Black Americans make up approximately 13 percent of the population whenever race hustlers scream equality. More than any other group, black Americans should be asking how many ½ & ½ Americans hold jobs on every level of government —— federal, state, and local. I am willing to bet that half-black-half-white Americans hold an excessive number of government jobs as well tax dollar jobs in the education industry.

Pigmentation is the reason this guy’s decision to torpedo General Flynn was no surprise to me:



May 16, 2020
Flynn Judge Ignores Supreme Court and the Constitution
By Daniel John Sobieski

Sullivan was smart enough know that sending a distress signal to another ½ & ½ would not sit well in the court of public opinion. Sullivan needed help bailing out his sinking boat; so he sent an S.O.S. to a reliable white liberal Democrat:

Gowdy told Smith that while there is no question judges have the power to control their courtroom, the move by Sullivan is unprecedented.

"[And,] I have never seen anything like what Judge Sullivan is doing. [NOR HAS ANYONE ELSE] And, if you’re going to pick someone to look into it, don’t pick someone who [has] already made up his mind that Bill Barr made a mistake," he said, pointing to an op-ed Gleeson co-authored in The Washington Post this week, urging Sullivan to scrutinize the DOJ's motion.

"I mean, you talk about bias. You talk about prejudice. The person he’s picked has already expressed an opinion on the outcome of this case," Gowdy exclaimed. "Never in 20 years have I seen a judge do something like this."

Published 2 days ago
Trey Gowdy shocked at Flynn case: 'Never seen anything like this' in my legal career
By Julia Musto

NOTE: All-Black African countries violently oppose non-blacks. As far as I know, every country in Africa is governed by blacks. I will reserve judgement on their governing abilities until after I learn how Africa’s countries treat their ½ & ½ citizens. Until I am proved wrong I am sticking with ‘Black-black Africans will never allow ½ & ½ Africans lay a finger on the levers of political power.’

Finally, Democrats love to play to the non-existent racism card. Name a topic, or cite a news story, and the invented crime of racism is the problem. That is why I deserve a big attaboy for throwing their number one talking point back in their faces.
If I read this article correctly, half of the participants were all white, while the other half were all black:

Local Philly Residents – Black and White – Stand Guard Over Target Store – Chant “Four More Years” and “USA! USA!” (VIDEO)
By Joe Hoft
Published June 1, 2020 at 7:00am

I wonder how many, if any, were ½ & ½ like Judge Sullivan:

Black Americans make up approximately 13 percent of the population whenever race hustlers scream equality. More than any other group, black Americans should be asking how many ½ & ½ Americans hold jobs on every level of government —— federal, state, and local. I am willing to bet that half-black-half-white Americans hold an excessive number of government jobs as well tax dollar jobs in the education industry.
Check the number of mixed race bureaucrats in positions of influence in the federal government, as well as in the Obama administration. The Chicago sewer rat himself was ½ & ½ as were many of the people he hired. Why is that important? ANSWER: It is important when you know how Democrats across the board conspire to advance non-existent racism.

"We continue to open our arms and invite all our brothers and sisters home. Ghana is your home. Africa is your home. We have our arms wide open ready to welcome you home.

"Please take advantage, come home, build a life in Ghana. You do not have to stay where you are not wanted forever, you have a choice and Africa is waiting for you," Oteng Gyasi added after a wreath-laying ceremony last Friday.

Ghana Minister Invites African-Americans to Re-settle in Africa If They Feel Unwanted in the U.S.
By Brendan Cole
On 6/10/20 at 9:26 AM EDT

Black Americans returning to Africa en masse is the last thing ½ & ½ Americans want, not to mention black race hustlers, white liberals, do-gooder freaks, and the U.N.’s global government crowd. Their self-worth falls apart should an exodus take place.

Finally, ‘We’s all God’s chillun.’ is still valid when the races live on separate continents. In time, individuals of different races will come together naturally as God intended without government priests trying to bring it about by force.
Judge Sullivan is doing everything he can do to save ½ & ½ Obama’s tattered legacy:
Yesterday brought some qualified, great news. As my colleague Bonchie wrote, a three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the charges against Lieutenant General (Retired) Mike Flynn.

The reason I wrote “qualified great news,” is that it could very well happen that the the DC Circuit decides to hear the issue en banc (the legal eagles tell me that’s legalese for, “all the judges on the court hearing the issue”). At this time the DC circuit consists of 11 Democrat appointed judges, with only 4 appointed by Republicans (yet another reason to vote Trump in November). My colleague Shipwrecked Crew, one of our resident legal geniuses, has several great pieces out on how this could play out. Here are two of them.

Opinion: DC Circuit Did NOT Boost American Confidence In Our Justice System Yesterday
Posted at 5:30 am on June 25, 2020
by Mike Ford

Ol’ ½ & ½ ain’t finished yet.

“. . . DC circuit consists of 11 Democrat appointed judges . . ."

So how many out of the eleven are:

No matter. The morning line says at least 6 out of 11 will torpedo General Flynn.

Incidentally, Chief Justice Roberts said: “We don't work as Democrats or Republicans.”. So I would like to know which side Obamacare Roberts is betting on?

More importantly, General Flynn is a cooked goose should the Circuit Court Decision get to the Supreme Court.

Here comes another one:

“This ballot is how we restore the soul of our nation,” Steele stated in a Lincoln Project ad promoting Biden’s candidacy. He suggested Americans have a clear choice between “electing a good man, Joe Biden, and a trailblazer, [California Sen.] Kamala Harris and ensure an orderly transfer of power, or plunge our country into chaos. America or Trump? I choose America.”

Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele: Election Is Choice Between ‘America Or Trump’
David Krayden
October 20, 2020 4:21 PM ET

Steele is suddenly in the business of saving souls: “This ballot is how we restore the soul of our nation,”

just consider how serious it is when you remember the millions of organized religion’s freaks that have been saving souls for thousands of years.
Finally, Democrats love to play to the non-existent racism card. Name a topic, or cite a news story, and the invented crime of racism is the problem. That is why I deserve a big attaboy for throwing their number one talking point back in their faces.

Regardless of your opinions or your skill at expressing them articulately and convincingly, my experience is that anybody who claims he deserves "a big attaboy" probably doesn't.
Regardless of your opinions or your skill at expressing them articulately and convincingly,

To Bubba: I will put up my opinions —— spliced with facts —— against “. . . convincingly . . .” liberal talking points spliced with lies and misdirection every time.
.....Finally, Democrats love to play to the non-existent racism card. Name a topic, or cite a news story, and the invented crime of racism is the problem. That is why I deserve a big attaboy for throwing their number one talking point back in their faces.

Legion celebrates his imaginary attaboys by masturbating with his socks. How do you do it?
The Chicago sewer rat himself was ½ & ½ as were many of the people he hired. Why is that important? ANSWER: It is important when you know how Democrats across the board conspire to advance non-existent racism.

Obama was not elected because he is black —— he was elected because he is ½ & ½. He never would have been elected if he was as black as his wife.

Because the lying sack of shit’s mother was white he got away with campaigning as a spiritual leader. This little freak is Obama’s handiwork:

Jimmy Galligan, Moral Monster
December 26, 2020| 9:24 pm
Rod Dreher

I am convinced that Obama is the role model for every little ½ & ½ freak. Every one of them believes they are morally superior because they are mixed race. The false edge put in their heads by the worst piece of scum that ever sat in the Oval Office will destroy this country with non-existent racism. Not a one of them believes they have the political skills it takes to govern a free people —— every one of them believes they can only survive by preaching from a pulpit, or from a judicial bench like Judge Sullivan.

God help this country if every freak like this guy is ever elected to Congress so they can legislate love:
Regardless of your opinions or your skill at expressing them articulately and convincingly, my experience is that anybody who claims he deserves "a big attaboy" probably doesn't.

There is no “skill” there, it isn’t even sophomoric, all “RT” does is copy and paste cherry picked selections off of overtly partisan sites and string them together in long boring threads, none of which he can exchange on nor defend beyond adding additional copy and pastes

Waste of time
If this black teacher is concerned about skin color he should be warning every American about the percentage of ½ & ½ officials dictating policies:

2019 National Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson posted warning to parents of Black and brown students about white women teachers several days after the presidential election. Robinson was concerned that polls showed a majority of white women voted for President Trump and that close to 80 percent of teachers are—-white women.

Days After Presidential Election, Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson Warned Parents of Black and Brown Students About White Women Teachers
By Kristinn Taylor
Published December 31, 2020 at 6:32am
Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black race hustler gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.

If she is correct does that mean half black folks are half stupid?

Not only does race determine your destiny, wrote Kristen Clarke as an undergraduate at Harvard, black brains contain large amounts of neuromelanin, making them superior to whites physically, mentally and spiritually.

Blacks are superior to whites? Biden's civil-rights pick has shocking beliefs
See what Kristen Clarke wrote to Harvard Crimson
By WND Staff
Published January 12, 2021 at 8:20pm
Check the number of mixed race bureaucrats in positions of influence in the federal government, as well as in the Obama administration. The Chicago sewer rat himself was ½ & ½ as were many of the people he hired. Why is that important? ANSWER: It is important when you know how Democrats across the board conspire to advance non-existent racism.

Obama’s half-black guy was sent out to the hinterland to teach local black-race-hustlers how it is done.

The Oregon Health and Science University, a public university where most or Oregon’s higher education in the fields of medicine and life sciences is taught, has hired the law firm of Covington & Burling to conduct an internal investigation resulting from complaints by an unspecified number of black employees about the OHSU administration enabling racism.

The investigation will be headed by former Obama Administration Attorney General Eric Holder, who will be charging the public university $2300 an hour for his legal services. According to the statement put out by the University:

OHSU has retained former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder of Covington & Burling LLP to conduct a comprehensive, independent investigation of OHSU’s workplace environment related to sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and racism.

This is a public university in Oregon, with its main facilities in the City of Portland — maybe the “wokest” of all “woke” cities in the country — and run by a University President, Danny Jacobs, who is black, and overseen by a Board of Directors chaired by Wayne Monfries who is also black. Working on the matter with Covington & Burling will be Chad Paulson, another member of the Board of Directors — also black.

“The intent of this investigation is to identify any potential shortcomings, and to solicit and consider actionable recommendations that ensure our institution is aligned with the highest demands and expectations,” the university said. “Based on the investigation’s findings, OHSU will evaluate potential policy changes, accountability, other best practices and targeted investments to ensure every OHSU member feels safe, respected and valued in their workplace.”

Let that sink in for a moment — the university is not promising to actually do anything based on whatever Holder and Covington & Burling uncover and report back to them. They’ll “evaluate” things after he’s done.

How did this all start — apparently with some of the most expensive graffiti ever written on a locker in the history of the world. According to the Lund Report:

Seven months after accusing the Oregon Health & Science University administration of being “an enabler of racism,” Black employees at OHSU are facing a new racist incident.

This one involves a racist slur that was found on an OHSU locker.

In a campus-wide note, the administration said the slur was etched onto the outside of a locker on the third floor of the Center for Health & Health Building on the South Waterfront. It said it was hard to see — it was on the side near the wall — and was found by an employee who reported it on Feb. 26. It’s unclear how long the slur had been there.

All I needed to know about OHSU I found in the very first paragraph that came before any discussion of the subject matter of the public statement or the announcement of the hiring of Holder and Covington & Burling:

Content warning: In support of trauma-informed communications, please be aware that this message contains topics that may be activating for survivors of gender and racial violence. The Confidential Advocacy Program can be reached 24/7 by calling 833-495-2277. Additional resources for OHSU members are available here

Dig deep taxpayers of Oregon — Eric Holder is dining out on you, and it’s all over some graffiti on a locker that was hard to see and no one knows how long it had been there or who wrote it.

Eric Holder Charging Oregon Taxpayers $2,300 Per Hour for Advice About Racist Graffiti on a Locker at its Medical School
By Shipwreckedcrew
Apr 19, 2021 1:30 PM ET

Any money Holder gets for his “legal services” will come from Oregon Health and Science University’s federal tax dollar subsidies.

Try to imagine what black-on-black race hustlers will do if the nation’s capitol becomes a state:

As it stands now the rest of the parasite class have their own key to the public purse, while D.C. parasites must go to Congress with their hats in their hands whenever they want more; no small thing when conservatives are in charge. Pure and simple, statehood will give parasites their own set of keys to the public larder.