One More Obama Story


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How is Obama-Clinton-Kaine for a deadly triple threat?

Then-President Barack Obama said that Donald Trump is 'a fascist' during the 2016 election, according to Senator Tim Kaine.

Kaine, then the Democratic vice presidential candidate, was caught on camera telling his running mate Hillary Clinton of the remark, in footage included in the new Hulu documentary about her.

'President Obama called me last night and said: 'Tim, remember, this is no time to be a purist. You've got to keep a fascist out of the White House,'' Kaine tells Clinton in a clip from the documentary Hillary, which NBC News was able to preview.

Kaine then laughed and added that Obama 'knows me and he knows that I could tend to err.' Clinton replies, nodding, 'I echo that sentiment.'

Obama 'called Donald Trump a fascist' during 2016 election and warned Hillary Clinton's running mate Tim Kaine to 'keep him out of the White House'
By Keith Griffith For
Published: 21:00 EST, 25 January 2020 | Updated: 03:06 EST, 26 January 2020

Hillary Clinton cannot blame her running mate, Tim Kaine, for losing the election. She does deserve blame for picking a halfwit as her vice president. He could not count past nine if he had a finger missing.

Senator Kaine is not the brightest Democrat in the Senate. He is dumb, but he is also lucky. He does not have to listen to House managers telling him how to vote.


Tim Kaine was born in 1958. Like all good little Democrats his analytic skills were buried under the garbage Communists have been dumping on this country since the 1930s.

The events leading up to WW II are so varied and complex it is ludicrous to lay all of the blame on Hitler for the 50 million dead. He played his part to be sure —— as did Mussolini and the Japanese, but tagging Hitler as the ultimate villain became a variation of the Left’s favorite theme song: Communism is good because fascism was so bad.

NOTE: Ask Tim Kaine and I am sure he will tell you “Stalin was good because Hitler was so bad.” You can bet that Kaine will also tell you that democracy is good because individual freedoms are bad.

Incidentally, if liberals were honest they would cite Benito Mussolini instead of Hitler. Il Duce is the father of fascism not Hitler. Liberals give Mussolini a pass because they get more mileage out of Hitler than he ever got out of the Afrika Korps.

Today’s Democrats label everyone a fascist who attacks any part of their political agenda. Oppose socialized medicine and you a fascist. Secure our borders and you are fascist. Abolish any welfare state program and you are a fascist. Speak out against infanticide and you are a fascist. Withdraw from the United Nations and you are a fascist. Demand Voter ID laws and you are a fascist. The list is endless.

Finally, convincing the public that democracy is better than freedom has been a mainstay in the Democrat Party’s agenda since President Wilson went to war to make the world safe. I must have missed it because the world has been at war non-stop since 1917:

Making the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War
Obama was right. Trump is a fascist, but he does not know what it is. He is not following a blueprint. He is not that bright nor well-read. Trump is just doing what his instincts tell him are beneficial to himself
He is trying to enrich and himself and gather more and more power.
He is trying to enrich and himself

To Nordberg: No he is not. The truth is that President Trump along with freedom-loving Americans are fighting to gain control of the incomes they earn in the private sector. Conversely, Democrat parasites will fight to the death in order to retain control of their ill-gotten tax dollar incomes.

Most especially long-serving Democrat senators cannot live with the thought of losing control over earned incomes that built this country before 1917. I am talking abut the very wealthy, and average Americans, protecting their incomes from being confiscated by touchy-feely parasites.

NOTE: The longer Democrats serve in the U.S. Senate the richer they become. The years of senators getting an envelope stuffed with money (BRIBES) under the table disappeared when Democrat parasites got the XVI and XVII Amendments.

In short: Becoming very wealthy on tax dollars is contagious among Senate Democrats. Check the wealth top Senate Democrats accumulated if you doubt me. They all arrive in Washington wearing dirty underwear and leave with steamer trunks full of tax dollars.

Opportunities are limited to crooks in the House of Representatives. Moving up to the Senate is the next logical stickup. Note that Adam Schiff has his eye on Senator Feinstein’s seat. Pencil Neck would do well if he replaces Di Fi who was an accomplished crook in her own right.

On top of senators stealing tax dollars legally they enrich family members à la Joe Biden. Repealing the XVI Amendment is a tough go at this time, while repealing the XVII Amendment will at least put the breaks on the blood kin of long-serving parasites.

Incidentally, I know that senility is breathing down former Senator Joe Biden’s neck. Vomit Schumer talking to an empty chair has me wondering about senility’s dormant period. Biden left the Senate in 2008. Schumer is now showing symptoms.

Please .... we DON’T need one more Obama story !!!!! Let that fucker fade away !

To Loving91390: On the other hand, when the lying sack of shit fades away all of the damage he did to this country fades away with him. Keeping Obama’s name alive is one way to remind the public of just how treasonous the self-anointed spiritual leader was when he was in office.
Keeping Obama’s name alive is one way to remind the public of just how treasonous the self-anointed spiritual leader was when he was in office.

Joe Biden was never right about anything in his life. It rubbed off on the Chicago sewer rat:

The chaos that the Obama-Clinton diplomacy unleashed in Libya continues to grow.


Everything the Obama administration touched turned out bad.

January 27, 2020
The Obama-Clinton-induced mess in Libya continues to grow
By Peter Skurkiss
The truth is that President Trump along with freedom-loving Americans are fighting to gain control of the incomes they earn in the private sector. Conversely, Democrat parasites will fight to the death in order to retain control of their ill-gotten tax dollar incomes.

Most especially long-serving Democrat senators cannot live with the thought of losing control over earned incomes that built this country before 1917. I am talking abut the very wealthy, and average Americans, protecting their incomes from being confiscated by touchy-feely parasites.

NOTE: The longer Democrats serve in the U.S. Senate the richer they become. The years of senators getting an envelope stuffed with money (BRIBES) under the table disappeared when Democrat parasites got the XVI and XVII Amendments.

In short: Becoming very wealthy on tax dollars is contagious among Senate Democrats. Check the wealth top Senate Democrats accumulated if you doubt me. They all arrive in Washington wearing dirty underwear and leave with steamer trunks full of tax dollars.

Rod Blagojevich deserved jail time because he was a crook when he was Illinois’ governor, but he deserved a medal for trying to sell the lying sack of shit’s Senate seat.

He was convicted in 2011 for dishing out political favors in exchange for financial benefits, including trying to solicit campaign money in return for an appointment to former President Obama’s vacant Senate seat.

Rod Blagojevich says he’s a ‘Trumpocrat’ after being freed by president
By Kenneth Garger
February 18, 2020 | 11:34pm

The XVII Amendment came about because the U.S. Senate was so corrupt. After the income tax amendment was implemented —— NEVER RATIFIED —— the country still had crooked senators. Unfortunately, the XVII Amendment gave the country long-serving senators like Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Patrick Leahy, J. William Fulbright et al. Each one of the traitors I named did more to betray the American people than Blogo ever did.

President Trump commuting Blagojevich’s sentence might highlight the need to repeal the XVII Amendment. That is why Blogo deserves a medal.

Repeal will not stop crooked politicians in state governments from making a buck out of appointing a U.S. Senator, but repeal will reduce the larceny to a mere pittance —— maybe stop it altogether. Who in hell will pay a lot of money for a brief stint in the U.S. Senate knowing they will be replaced every time a state legislature changes hands?

Repealing the XVII Amendment will definately get rid of long-serving senators. Realistically, there is zero chance U.S. Senators will cut their own economic throats if ratifying a constitutional amendment is left in their filthy hands.

NOTE: The U.S. Senate has been the global government crowd’s most powerful weapon in their war against the American people. For starters, it was the Senate that ratified U.S. membership in the United Nations. Beginning with the XVII Amendment in 1913, the Senate’s influence grew and grew until it reached a new high in 2008.

In 2008 the mainstream media was determined to put a sitting U.S. Senator in the White House in an attempt to reverse the public’s low opinion of the Senate. Sitting Senator Barack Obama’s win gave the country government by senators. Two were long-serving senators; Joe Biden and John Kerry.

Sitting Senator Hillary Clinton followed the traitor John Kerry at State.

Joe Biden’s sock puppet, former Senator Chuck Hagel, was Secretary of Defense from 2013 to 2015.

In short: The years between 2009 and 2013 were the golden years for Democrats. In 2012 no Senator ran against the Chicago sewer rat.

(CNN) - For the first time since 1900, no sitting U.S. senator on either side of the aisle is running or considering a run for president, at least yet.

2012 field making history already
By: CNN Political Unit
May 27th, 2011

Lets face it, media decision makers did not want the public reminded of media's agenda in 2008.
Obama was right. Trump is a fascist, but he does not know what it is. He is not following a blueprint. He is not that bright nor well-read. Trump is just doing what his instincts tell him are beneficial to himself
He is trying to enrich and himself and gather more and more power.
Notice how the tRump "culties" never mention Ivanka's Chinese patent grants? You know, the ones that were denied several times by the Chinese and were only approved AFTER daddy won the White House.
To Nordberg: No he is not. The truth is that President Trump along with freedom-loving Americans are fighting to gain control of the incomes they earn in the private sector. Conversely, Democrat parasites will fight to the death in order to retain control of their ill-gotten tax dollar incomes.

Most especially long-serving Democrat senators cannot live with the thought of losing control over earned incomes that built this country before 1917. I am talking abut the very wealthy, and average Americans, protecting their incomes from being confiscated by touchy-feely parasites.

NOTE: The longer Democrats serve in the U.S. Senate the richer they become. The years of senators getting an envelope stuffed with money (BRIBES) under the table disappeared when Democrat parasites got the XVI and XVII Amendments.

In short: Becoming very wealthy on tax dollars is contagious among Senate Democrats. Check the wealth top Senate Democrats accumulated if you doubt me. They all arrive in Washington wearing dirty underwear and leave with steamer trunks full of tax dollars.

Opportunities are limited to crooks in the House of Representatives. Moving up to the Senate is the next logical stickup. Note that Adam Schiff has his eye on Senator Feinstein’s seat. Pencil Neck would do well if he replaces Di Fi who was an accomplished crook in her own right.

On top of senators stealing tax dollars legally they enrich family members à la Joe Biden. Repealing the XVI Amendment is a tough go at this time, while repealing the XVII Amendment will at least put the breaks on the blood kin of long-serving parasites.

Incidentally, I know that senility is breathing down former Senator Joe Biden’s neck. Vomit Schumer talking to an empty chair has me wondering about senility’s dormant period. Biden left the Senate in 2008. Schumer is now showing symptoms.

To Loving91390: On the other hand, when the lying sack of shit fades away all of the damage he did to this country fades away with him. Keeping Obama’s name alive is one way to remind the public of just how treasonous the self-anointed spiritual leader was when he was in office.

I fear you might believe that shit. It explains why you are a Trumplestilskin.
Obama was right. Trump is a fascist, but he does not know what it is. He is not following a blueprint. He is not that bright nor well-read. Trump is just doing what his instincts tell him are beneficial to himself
He is trying to enrich and himself and gather more and more power.

Why do you bother, this poster isn't for real, he puts up extended copy and pastes off of whacked out websites and runs, the last thing he wants to do is exchange opinions, it is like listening to talk radio