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Liberty University Geology professor defends creationism in documentary in theaters this week

This week, Liberty University (aka, Jerry Falwell U.) students will have the opportunity to see one of their professors, Dr. Marcus Ross, present the case for young-earth creationism (YEC) on the big screen, using his expertise in geology to show how scientific evidence supports this view. The film “Is Genesis History?,” featuring Dr. Del Tackett of Focus on the Family’s Truth Project, is being shown during a one-night national theatrical release on Thursday, Feb. 23, with hundreds of locations hosting the film. A showing will be held in Lynchburg at 7 p.m. at the Regal River Ridge Stadium 14.

“Is Genesis History?” explores a number of scientific topics in the context of the Bible. Thirteen scientists and scholars share their expertise, making a positive argument for biblical creation and Noah’s flood. From rock layers to fossils, and from lions to stars, the film challenges the way viewers see the world. (Young-earth creationists believe that the creation days of Genesis 1 were six literal, 24-hour days, which occurred several thousand years ago and that Noah’s flood was global and had a profound impact upon the fossil record.)
