APP - One of the worlds great religions? Is it really?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I often hear people say that islam is one of the worlds "great religions". I believe Jarod said it the other day. I also hear it called the "religion of peace".

Does anyone have any objective evidence to back up these statements? What makes it a great religion? Is it sheer numbers?

What has the religion done in the last 50 years that establish its greatness. I am not looking for a critique of any other religion. if you want to do that, start your own thread. This thread is devoted specifically to islam. I want to know why people think islam, its teachings and more importantly its adherents are compatible with western culture?
Numbers it seems.
Not sure I can lump compatible in with what's great. Some could argue that being incompatible is what makes it great (it negates what is viewed as bad in western civ).
Numbers it seems.
Not sure I can lump compatible in with what's great. Some could argue that being incompatible is what makes it great (it negates what is viewed as bad in western civ).

That is a great point. One has to wonder if liberals really do support the gay community or, if as I have always surmised they have been nothing but tools for the lefts assault on our freedoms
I think the "support" is based strictly on a group's susceptibility to be put upon. Such groups can then be adopted and as such are just a little less than them and in need of mother hen'ing. The poor dears can't be equal on their own so lets make a show of pretending they are just as good.
Any group will do so long as they will submit. Notice Asians never became a protected class ? Mexicans won't either.
I think the "support" is based strictly on a group's susceptibility to be put upon. Such groups can then be adopted and as such are just a little less than them and in need of mother hen'ing. The poor dears can't be equal on their own so lets make a show of pretending they are just as good.
Any group will do so long as they will submit. Notice Asians never became a protected class ? Mexicans won't either.

It is interesting nobody has taken up this question. The thread ban was kept low. Oh well