One of these Pictures is NOT like the other ... guess which one?


In Yo Face!
He still hasn't visited the troops ...

Trump has not bothered to go visit the troops. The rules of the past do not apply to daffy. He can do whatever he wants and be the greatest military leader of all time.
You could do the same thing with press conferences. You could show all the presidents standing up to the press and answering questions. Trump, of course, has none. He bitched at Hillary for not have enough of them. Trump is such a hypocrite and a liar.
Trump has not bothered to go visit the troops. The rules of the past do not apply to daffy. He can do whatever he wants and be the greatest military leader of all time.
He prefers parades, visiting the troops means going to places that don’t have five star accomdations and no nice golf courses.
He prefers parades, visiting the troops means going to places that don’t have five star accomdations and no nice golf courses.

Trump prefers to hold rallies where his white trash rubes cheer ever lie.
Feed his ego,then off to the golf course to cheat at golf!
Lifes great for Trump till,he stands face to face with Apollyon!
Than with a massive load in his pants,Trump walks off the world stage,to die alone in the shame of his humiliation!:)
Trump has not bothered to go visit the troops. The rules of the past do not apply to daffy. He can do whatever he wants and be the greatest military leader of all time.

Meanwhile, 22 vets per day suicide themselves off of our "entitlements" drain on the aristocracy.
Every time I see an image of Don juxtaposed with one of Obama, I'm reminded that the guy who cannot tell the truth, and the guy with half a dozen bankruptcies, and the guy with a slew of kids from three babymommas is the fatass white guy.
Meanwhile, 22 vets per day suicide themselves off of our "entitlements" drain on the aristocracy.

This is because we are at war all the damn time. There are always mental and delayed casualties of war. We use war as a profit making institution, passing the real costs to the soldiers and taxpayers. We had different names for war mental problems, but they have always resulted from war, even WW2 which can be argued as necessary. Those who make big bucks off wars are not about to spend some of that profit on taking care of the vets. They bribe politicians to cut txes . They have no responsibility except to maximize profits.
Every time I see an image of Don juxtaposed with one of Obama, I'm reminded that the guy who cannot tell the truth, and the guy with half a dozen bankruptcies, and the guy with a slew of kids from three babymommas is the fatass white guy.

Yet 75% of nigger babies born today are bastards.