One-time Olympic park bombing suspect Richard Jewell dies

:dunno: I couldn't figure out why this was breaking news on CNN this afternoon. I mean its a shame and all, but its not like it really affects people nationally.
I think that the media storm and resultant accusations, including the ways in which his life was changed at the time, even though he was merely under suspicion, were an example of jumping the gun on the part of people in authority and people in the media who should have been more responsible. As he was completely innocent of the bombings and was truly only the person who found the backpack containing the explosives, this ad hoc conviction by the media was shameful at best, and in effect ruined the guy's life as he knew it.

I was proud of Bob Costas during that time, when he protested on the air "Whatever happened to Innocent until proven Guilty?". That statement did seem to calm a brewing storm during that program at least, and as it turned out, he was right.

Didn't the guy who was actually responsible, the one who hid out in the wilderness for years, just die recently?
I think that the media storm and resultant accusations, including the ways in which his life was changed at the time, even though he was merely under suspicion, were an example of jumping the gun on the part of people in authority and people in the media who should have been more responsible. As he was completely innocent of the bombings and was truly only the person who found the backpack containing the explosives, this ad hoc conviction by the media was shameful at best, and in effect ruined the guy's life as he knew it.

I was proud of Bob Costas during that time, when he protested on the air "Whatever happened to Innocent until proven Guilty?". That statement did seem to calm a brewing storm during that program at least, and as it turned out, he was right.

Didn't the guy who was actually responsible, the one who hid out in the wilderness for years, just die recently?
This is exactly why you should care. That poor schmo was screwed by the Atlanta Police, the FBI and the Media all of whom jumped the gun in not just accusing but basically trying and convicting him in the Court of public Opinion. And in the end it was a right wing loon and member of the Christian Identitiy Movement Eric Rudolph that committed the act. This is the same guy that bombed family planning clinics that provided abortion services.
This is exactly why you should care. That poor schmo was screwed by the Atlanta Police, the FBI and the Media all of whom jumped the gun in not just accusing but basically trying and convicting him in the Court of public Opinion. And in the end it was a right wing loon and member of the Christian Identitiy Movement Eric Rudolph that committed the act. This is the same guy that bombed family planning clinics that provided abortion services.

Right. I just checked; Rudolf is still alive in prison. He's never getting out.

As to the conviction by public opinion, we haven't learned too much, have we? What happened to Richard Jewell was despicable. Though he sued and settled with CNN and others, his life would never have been the same and damn it all, he really was a hero! The whole thing made me sick then and remembering it does now too.
Right. I just checked; Rudolf is still alive in prison. He's never getting out.

As to the conviction by public opinion, we haven't learned too much, have we? What happened to Richard Jewell was despicable. Though he sued and settled with CNN and others, his life would never have been the same and damn it all, he really was a hero! The whole thing made me sick then and remembering it does now too.

I felt really sorry for him too. And it's even sadder now that he died so young.
That did suck but there are lots people wrongfully accused and who subsequently die. Its certainly something worth mentioning, but I wouldn't call it breaking.

That being said, RIP Jewel
I think that the media storm and resultant accusations, including the ways in which his life was changed at the time, even though he was merely under suspicion, were an example of jumping the gun on the part of people in authority and people in the media who should have been more responsible. As he was completely innocent of the bombings and was truly only the person who found the backpack containing the explosives, this ad hoc conviction by the media was shameful at best, and in effect ruined the guy's life as he knew it.

I was proud of Bob Costas during that time, when he protested on the air "Whatever happened to Innocent until proven Guilty?". That statement did seem to calm a brewing storm during that program at least, and as it turned out, he was right.

Quoted for truth.

Richard Jewell got a raw deal. The FBI and other agencies were highly unethical and overzealous at that time, pre 9-11, pre Iraq, and Pre retard in Chief. Imagine how much worse it is now.
Quoted for truth.

Richard Jewell got a raw deal. The FBI and other agencies were highly unethical and overzealous at that time, pre 9-11, pre Iraq, and Pre retard in Chief. Imagine how much worse it is now.
Now he would have just been labelled a terrorist and simply disappeared.