One Victory Does Not Win A War


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Tucker Carlson is hanging in there against FOX’s slimiest army of liberals that ever polluted a network. Last night Tucker beat Shepard Smith to a pulp, but one victory does not win the war:


The ideological war between prominent Fox News channel program hosts that I first reported on eighteen months ago has gone hot – and this time the dust up is approaching near-nuclear levels of direct on camera mano a mano. The combatants are veteran Fox News afternoon news program host Shepard Smith and prime time opinion show host Tucker Carlson. The foil for pouring gasoline on the long simmering fire between the Fox News opinion and news department sides is prominent Washington, D.C. Republican attorney Joseph diGenova.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Tuesday at 8 P.M. E.T., diGenova called Fox News paid contributor Andrew Napolitano, the channel’s “senior judicial analyst,” “a fool” for saying on Shepard Smith’s show earlier that afternoon that President Trump had clearly committed a crime in his July 25 phone conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

September 26, 2019
Air war breaks out between Fox News Channel hosts
By Peter Barry Chowka



p.s. I used to think Napolitano was okay. My opinion did a one-eighty long before he gave his opinion on Trump and the Ukraine.

Tucker Carlson is hanging in there against FOX’s slimiest army of liberals that ever polluted a network.
Although trust in the media has edged down this year, it is well above the record low of 32% in 2016 when Republicans' trust dropped precipitously and drove the overall trust reading down during the divisive presidential campaign. Republicans' trust is still at a very low level and a wide gap in views of the media among partisans persists as 69% of Democrats say they have trust and confidence in it, while 15% of Republicans and 36% of independents agree.


Republicans became increasingly mistrustful of the media in 2016 when Trump was campaigning for president and was sharply critical of the media's coverage of him. Between 2015 and 2016, Republican trust in the mass media fell 18 points to its historical low of 14%, where it remained in 2017. Following a seven-point boost last year, it has returned to 15%. For their part, Democrats have consistently been more trusting of the media than Republicans but rallied around the press and became even more trusting when Trump took office in 2017.

September 26, 2019
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Edges Down to 41%
by Megan Brenan

Limit the poll to television and newspapers and Democrats trust television 100 percent.

Limit the poll to televison’s networks and FOX would shave Democrat trust down to 95 percent.

Limit a poll to Republicans and Conservatives and Conservative’s trust in television would be too low to register.
p.s. I used to think Napolitano was okay. My opinion did a one-eighty long before he gave his opinion on Trump and the Ukraine.

It looks like Napolitano is tailoring his analyses to satisfy the Murdoch Boys:

Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, who of late has been the poster child for the increasingly leftward tilt of the network touted as "fair and balanced," [IF YOUR ARE A LIBERAL] and who believes that President Trump is guilty of colluding with the Russians to affect the 2016 election and of pressuring Ukraine to investigate a political opponent, insists that the inquiry by Rep. Adam Schiff is perfectly legal because there is no requirement in law that a vote to conduct such an inquiry be taken.

October 20, 2019
Napolitano Wrong Again: Schiff Inquiry a Kangaroo Court
By Daniel John Sobieski

Now I can add Napolitano to my list of FOX’s talking heads that sends my finger to the remote control button the instant they appear on my TV screen.

If the FOX network leans any further to the left I am removing it from my menu altogether. I would not want to surf into FOX by accident.
It looks like Napolitano is tailoring his analyses to satisfy the Murdoch Boys:

Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, who of late has been the poster child for the increasingly leftward tilt of the network touted as "fair and balanced," [IF YOUR ARE A LIBERAL] and who believes that President Trump is guilty of colluding with the Russians to affect the 2016 election and of pressuring Ukraine to investigate a political opponent, insists that the inquiry by Rep. Adam Schiff is perfectly legal because there is no requirement in law that a vote to conduct such an inquiry be taken.

October 20, 2019
Napolitano Wrong Again: Schiff Inquiry a Kangaroo Court
By Daniel John Sobieski

Now I can add Napolitano to my list of FOX’s talking heads that sends my finger to the remote control button the instant they appear on my TV screen.

If the FOX network leans any further to the left I am removing it from my menu altogether. I would not want to surf into FOX by accident.

A far right station that was designed to give far-right politics and politicians enormous access and it fails your purity test? This says nothing about Fox. Normal people know how right it is. Leftys are always shocked by the right-wing twist everything gets. We are amazed the crap they say. Yet they are not right enough for you? This says a lot more about than it does Fox.You are so taken over and a far right conspiracy nut that you should get away from it all for a while.
It looks like Napolitano is tailoring his analyses to satisfy the Murdoch Boys:

It is amazing the things some people will say just to please the boss:

In the face of public hearings in which Schiff unloaded his clown car of hearsay witnesses who made every presumption about President Trump except for the presumption of innocence, Napolitano warmly embraced Schiff’s fables, telling Reason’s Nick Gillespie that there is more than enough, and he uses the word very loosely, "evidence" to justify three or four articles of impeachment against President Trump:

November 25, 2019
Napolitano Goes Full Schiff
By Daniel John Sobieski

It is even more amazing that a former judge does not know:
