APP - one way to deal with internet child predators

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
always monitor what your children 'say' on the internet and keep their computer in a public place...i wonder just how much 'force' was required to keep the predator 'in custody' until the police arrived

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — A father who discovered his 15-year-old daughter was being wooed on Facebook by a man twice her age took matters into his own hands.
He hatched a Facebook ruse that drew the 30-year-old Federal Way man to Spokane earlier this month. Then the father and a couple of his buddies staked out the arranged meeting spot and blocked the man's escape until police arrived.
The Spokesman-Review ( ) reports that the suspect, identified in court documents as Jason D. Richards, faces charges of child rape and attempted kidnapping in Spokane County Superior Court. He is jailed on a $100,000 bond.
The newspaper did not publish the name of the girl or her family.
The relationship began in April through a Facebook dating application called "Are You Interested" and was discovered earlier this month by the parents, court records show.
Richards and the girl exchanged hundreds of Facebook messages, communicated via YouTube, met face-to-face in May and then made plans to elope, court records show.
When the girl's parents discovered the relationship on June 7, they took their daughter's computer and locked her out of her Facebook account.
The mother then continued to message the man, posing as her daughter, and persuaded him to go through with the runaway plan. When he arrived at the family's Spokane home in the early hours of June 8, the girl's father and two of his friends were waiting for him in an alley behind the house. They held him until police arrived.
Information from: The Spokesman-Review,
why didn't they alert the police instead of setting themselves up to catch him?

usually because police are over worked and do not give such things a high priority. i am not saying that all law enforcement agencies are such, but with the major domestic economic downturn most police departments no longer have the time or resources.

an example of this happened in los angeles where a person must go to a police station or report it over the phone a property crime because the police no longer have the resources to investigate burglaries and police will not respond to traffic accidents unless an injury is reported.

too many voters are not interested in supporting a criminal justice system to properly fund it. they are having too much trouble making ends meet and taking care of themselves and their families. yet they are willing to pay to warehouse minor criminals in overflowing jails.
A couple of things don't make sense. First the daughter is now old enough to buy the morning after pill without parental consent. Which means she can consent to having sex and deal with the repercussions of said sex.

Bear in mind, I don't defend this scumbag whatsoever, but I don't understand the charges of kidnapping and rape. If the daughter was willingly going to go with the man, how is that kidnapping? Additionally, if she willingly had sex with him, how is that rape?

Lastly, the parents could have solved this by never giving her a Facebook account in the first place. Oh, I know I am Ward Cleaver. How silly of me to think that the internet is a dangerous place for minors and that parents number one priority is to protect their children.