APP - One wonders what the Supreme Court is thinking


Clearly if they follow the law, the results of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin should be thrown out. Each state violated not only their own State Constitutions but the US Constitution. The Texas lawsuit is a very serious legal argument as these are federal elections.

So what will the Supreme Court do? Some worry that they will be swayed by the prospect of violence from the left if they don't get their way. Some worry that if they don't rule appropriately, we will have institutionalized cheating in elections

There is one thing that many folks aren't talking about much but I would suspect would be weighing on ALL of the minds of the Supreme Court Justices and that is the notion of "court packing". Democrats have made no secret that if they get the White House and Senate they are eliminating the filibuster and ushering in an era of "court packing".

Now if you are a current Supreme Court Justice, even from the left that can't be news to your ears. Right now you are 1 of 9 people. If you are John Roberts you revel in the notion that everyone will want to know what you are going to do on any big issue. That is immense power.

Do any of the current Justices want to be 1 of 13? 1 of 15? 1 of 21? 1 of 27?

Because make no mistake. No matter how confident the democrats are that they will retain the levers of power forever that just doesn't happen. And if they pack the court, the Republicans will do the same.

That is what it as stake when the Supreme Court finally hears this case. They will not only be ruling on the merits of a certain case, but their own survival as a Court.
The only thing they're concerned with is preserving the continuity of the State. That's their sole purpose; defend the State and perpetuate it.
The only thing they're concerned with is preserving the continuity of the State. That's their sole purpose; defend the State and perpetuate it.

I would agree, but don't discount their own personal power.

Don't think Roberts doesn't like the attention he gets being the "swing" vote. If the Court gets expanded to 13 or 15 with all leftists then he is diluted and irrelevant.
I would agree, but don't discount their own personal power.

Don't think Roberts doesn't like the attention he gets being the "swing" vote. If the Court gets expanded to 13 or 15 with all leftists then he is diluted and irrelevant.

Roberts only cares for his imaginary epitaph. He's the "great uniter" of the court, to be canonized among the other patrons of State supremacy.