APP - Only $109,000 in investment income?



To much fanfare by the liberal media, Crooked Hillary has released her tax returns for 2015.

Getting very little attention is the fact that they only earned $109,000 in investment income. Now to some that may seem like a lot of money. However, when you consider their net worth, it seems pretty low.

This begs the following questions which I am sure that the left wing media will never ask

1) Are they horrible investors?
2) Do they spend all of their money that they earn and don't save a dime?
3) Or are they squirreling it away in the Cayman Islands where we can see the income?

Either way, $109,000/year of investment income for someone so reach seems downright anemic.
You would get more than that with pass book savings.
Yes, very fishy.

They have a net worth of $100 million dollars. You mean to tell me that on that $100 million they only earned $109,000?

Makes zero sense.

My guess is they squirreled it away because they were afraid to be caught in the Romney trap of only paying 15% taxes.

But with Crooked Hillary anything is possible.
What's the size of their investments? Maybe they just aren't huge investors and they rely primarily on their businesses to generate income.
2) Do they spend all of their money that they earn and don't save a dime?

Maybe they contribute nearly all of it to Hillary's campaign? Seems more important than cranking out some extra millions in retirement.
They have a net worth of $100 million dollars. You mean to tell me that on that $100 million they only earned $109,000?

Makes zero sense.

My guess is they squirreled it away because they were afraid to be caught in the Romney trap of only paying 15% taxes.

But with Crooked Hillary anything is possible.

They have made 250 mil, what did they piss 150mil on ?
Ahhh the politics of personal destruction. Ya'll don't care if they made most of their income from business transactions and little from investment income. If most of their income had been made from investment income you would accuse them of using political influence to do insider trading. You don't care what the facts are. You just want to see what you want to see to demonize someone you don't agree with politically.
Ahhh the politics of personal destruction. Ya'll don't care if they made most of their income from business transactions and little from investment income. If most of their income had been made from investment income you would accuse them of using political influence to do insider trading. You don't care what the facts are. You just want to see what you want to see to demonize someone you don't agree with politically.

What are they doing with all that "business income" ?
Spending it ?
Stuffing it in the mattress ?
Eating it ?
Even if you just leave it in the bank it gets interest.
Ahhh the politics of personal destruction. Ya'll don't care if they made most of their income from business transactions and little from investment income. If most of their income had been made from investment income you would accuse them of using political influence to do insider trading. You don't care what the facts are. You just want to see what you want to see to demonize someone you don't agree with politically.

The earth is flat because Hillary said so. The Clintons obviously hide income. The existance of their billion dollar faux charity foundation proves this.
The earth is flat because Hillary said so. The Clintons obviously hide income. The existance of their billion dollar faux charity foundation proves this. guys are being hypocrites. You don't really care about what and where their sources of income are coming from or you'd be asking the same thing about Trump.

Oh that's right! You can't ask those questions of Trump because he hasn't provided his tax returns. Golly gee...I wonder why? guys are being hypocrites. You don't really care about what and where their sources of income are coming from or you'd be asking the same thing about Trump.

we would?.....has there been some indications that his spouse was getting half a million for giving speeches while he was Secretary of State?.......I must have missed that.........