Only 29K Posts to go...


Staff member
Until we reach the 400K mark and somebody gets a $40 gift certificate to

Who will it be?
Whoever posts the 40K post. Except for the staff, of course.

I think staff should be able too, unless there is a way to put in a fix. Just saying, they are not paid, just doing a public service. Much appreciated!
Damn, there's really a payoff? Hey No1, you KNOW what I can do, should I? Nah.

Yep, I can vouch for the payoff. Damo emailed me a gift certificate for $30 for my being the one to post the 300k post.
Yep, I can vouch for the payoff. Damo emailed me a gift certificate for $30 for my being the one to post the 300k post.

I see, so that's how it works.

Damo when you are approaching your 2 billion posts mark and the giving away of the proportional resulting prize, kindly shoot me an email as a reminder.
I see, so that's how it works.

Damo when you are approaching your 2 billion posts mark and the giving away of the proportional resulting prize, kindly shoot me an email as a reminder.
LOL. I'll end the practice when it costs too much.