Only in California...


Villified User
Jan 30, 8:47 AM EST

Vending Machines Dispense Pot in LA

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The city that popularized the fast food drive-thru has a new innovation: 24-hour medical marijuana vending machines.

Patients suffering from chronic pain, loss of appetite and other ailments that marijuana is said to alleviate can get their pot with a dose of convenience at the Herbal Nutrition Center, where a large machine will dole out the drug around the clock.

"Convenient access, lower prices, safety, anonymity," inventor and owner Vincent Mehdizadeh said, extolling the benefits of the machine.
"Vending Machines Dispense Pot in LA"

Expect to see this the the "O'Reilly Factor", as secular progressivism run amuck.

Sweet idea though. The cops here don't give a shit about enforcing marijuana laws. Unless you are in possession of large quantities.
Cypress, I am one jealous mofo. One of these days I'll transfer to San Fran/Concord
Our police are much more along the Bubba Ghestapo type. You know the ones responsible for putting 700,000 kids in jail for a little dubbie.
Yes they are!

True the DEA are not cops.

They enforce Federal Laws...which supersede local laws...they are 'POST' certified in all states...albeit MJ laws should be changed...until then don't hold your breath or use the machines...just food for thought!;)
True the DEA are not cops.

I actually had two cops come over to my house, a while back, and there were clouds of marijauna smoke in the house, as they came in. LOL. They said, as long as it's not crack or meth, they didn't give a crap if we were smoking out.
I actually had two cops come over to my house, a while back, and there were clouds of marijauna smoke in the house, as they came in. LOL. They said, as long as it's not crack or meth, they didn't give a crap if we were smoking out.

Yeah that doesn't happen so often in the South. I've had some fuuuuuuuucking close ones, and run into some dirty dirty dirty motherfucking cops.

One time a cop actually took my weed for himself and let me go without filing anything. I'm pretty sure he smoked it or sold it.

Douchebag fascist assholes.
It must be a result of "The Sum of all Fears," where the terrorists planted the nuke on a cigarette machine at the Superbowl in Baltimore (still can't figure out why Baltimore). I came out of the movie saying, "man! those things will really kill you!"
I'd be curious to see which party voted more heavily for the ban on cigarette machines.

I would be curious, so that I could hate whichever one it was even further.
Just for fun, I voted yes on the WA smoking ban in 2006. It passed overwhelmingly, but I was trying to be mean, rather than act on principle...

Yeah that doesn't happen so often in the South. I've had some fuuuuuuuucking close ones, and run into some dirty dirty dirty motherfucking cops.

One time a cop actually took my weed for himself and let me go without filing anything. I'm pretty sure he smoked it or sold it.

Douchebag fascist assholes.

No doubt. The cops and the laws seem pretty Nazi down south. I had a friend who was detained, charged, and fined for having a joint in her car in Tennessee, or some bum fuck state like that. :eek:
No doubt. The cops and the laws seem pretty Nazi down south. I had a friend who was detained, charged, and fined for having a joint in her car in Tennessee, or some bum fuck state like that. :eek:

Yeah I've got friends who have been fucked up by Southern drug laws in every way imaginable. From fines to seizure of their family's property.

I realize now why you don't see this as a major issue (what with Cali's tolerance of mary jane), but to a lot of us Southerners who toke, this is on par with Iraq. People are losing their freedom, having their property seized, being locked in boxes and having their right to vote stripped all because they don't drink their drugs. It's worse than Iraq, because it's been systematically been going on for decades and nothing has happened to stop it.

4000 lives may have been lost in Iraq, but millions of lives have been ruined by the drug war over a stupid policy of government-legislated morality.