Onward Christian Nationalists, marching off to war

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Pa. Republicans just nominated an unapologetic theocrat as their candidate for governor.

Doug Mastriano is one of these theocrats. He’s a happy, holy warrior for Mr. Trump, not because he’s under any illusion that the former president is a “believer,” but because he’s convinced that God is using Mr. Trump to usher in an era of “Christian” control of government — fascism with a faith-based face.

The most accessible term for this kind of totalitarian delusion is Christian nationalism. This sounds like something an unsophisticated patriot can grab onto and not feel self-conscious about. Being a Christian is good, right? Being a patriot is even better — so the two should go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

“In keeping with the cultural mandate, Christian reconstructionists advocate theonomy and the restoration of certain biblical laws said to have continuing applicability. These include the death penalty not only for murder, but also for propagators of all forms of idolatry, open homosexuals, adulterers, practitioners of witchcraft and blasphemers.”

Pa. Republicans just nominated an unapologetic theocrat as their candidate for governor.

Doug Mastriano is one of these theocrats. He’s a happy, holy warrior for Mr. Trump, not because he’s under any illusion that the former president is a “believer,” but because he’s convinced that God is using Mr. Trump to usher in an era of “Christian” control of government — fascism with a faith-based face.

The most accessible term for this kind of totalitarian delusion is Christian nationalism. This sounds like something an unsophisticated patriot can grab onto and not feel self-conscious about. Being a Christian is good, right? Being a patriot is even better — so the two should go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

“In keeping with the cultural mandate, Christian reconstructionists advocate theonomy and the restoration of certain biblical laws said to have continuing applicability. These include the death penalty not only for murder, but also for propagators of all forms of idolatry, open homosexuals, adulterers, practitioners of witchcraft and blasphemers.”


Originally, the KKK considered themselves to be Christians.
Republican panic grows after Mastriano wins

In the run-up to Tuesday night, Republicans openly used words and phrases such as “suicide mission,” “disaster,” and “voyage of the Titanic” to convey just what a catastrophe they believed his candidacy will be for their party.

An adviser to several Republican governors, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said there was wide displeasure with the outcome, calling him unelectable.

Mastriano has appeared at events linked to QAnon, the amorphous conspiracy theory that alleges there is a secret cabal of elite pedophiles running the federal government and other major US institutions. He also has made statements that veer into Islamophobia.

He is likely to be an especially weak candidate in the crowded suburbs around Philadelphia, the state’s most important political battleground. On the other side of the state, the editorial page of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has already all but officially endorsed Shapiro as “the only statewide candidate who did everything the Pennsylvania way.”

Pa. Republicans just nominated an unapologetic theocrat as their candidate for governor.

Doug Mastriano is one of these theocrats. He’s a happy, holy warrior for Mr. Trump, not because he’s under any illusion that the former president is a “believer,” but because he’s convinced that God is using Mr. Trump to usher in an era of “Christian” control of government — fascism with a faith-based face.

The most accessible term for this kind of totalitarian delusion is Christian nationalism. This sounds like something an unsophisticated patriot can grab onto and not feel self-conscious about. Being a Christian is good, right? Being a patriot is even better — so the two should go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

“In keeping with the cultural mandate, Christian reconstructionists advocate theonomy and the restoration of certain biblical laws said to have continuing applicability. These include the death penalty not only for murder, but also for propagators of all forms of idolatry, open homosexuals, adulterers, practitioners of witchcraft and blasphemers.”


niftyniblick the atheist is the only one advocating violence recently.
Religion should confine itself to attempting to answer the unanswered questions such as: Is there life after death.

Religion does not belong in government. Period.

If religion is allowed in government, there goes freedom, out the door.
Religion should confine itself to attempting to answer the unanswered questions such as: Is there life after death.

Religion does not belong in government. Period.

If religion is allowed in government, there goes freedom, out the door.

religion and spiritually also cover the topics of morality and behavior too.

you atheist humanist totalitarians seek to degrade human morality so you can do your mass murder and horrific horrible tyrannies. thats why you hate religion and spirituality.

you seek to destroy all humanity.

like satan you're jealous of god's love.
religion and spiritually also cover the topics of morality and behavior too.

you atheist humanist totalitarians seek to degrade human morality so you can do your mass murder and horrific horrible tyrannies. thats why you hate religion and spirituality.

you seek to destroy all humanity.

like satan you're jealous of god's love.

Republican panic grows after Mastriano wins

In the run-up to Tuesday night, Republicans openly used words and phrases such as “suicide mission,” “disaster,” and “voyage of the Titanic” to convey just what a catastrophe they believed his candidacy will be for their party.

An adviser to several Republican governors, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said there was wide displeasure with the outcome, calling him unelectable.

Mastriano has appeared at events linked to QAnon, the amorphous conspiracy theory that alleges there is a secret cabal of elite pedophiles running the federal government and other major US institutions. He also has made statements that veer into Islamophobia.

He is likely to be an especially weak candidate in the crowded suburbs around Philadelphia, the state’s most important political battleground. On the other side of the state, the editorial page of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has already all but officially endorsed Shapiro as “the only statewide candidate who did everything the Pennsylvania way.”


it's fine.

all these rinos are fucking idiots. stop listening to them. sky is not falling.
Christian Nationalism Explained:

Christian nationalists insist that the United States was established as an explicitly Christian nation, and they believe that this close relationship between Christianity and the state needs to be protected—and in many respects restored—in order for the U.S. to fulfill its God-given destiny. Recent scholarship underscores the extent to which these efforts to secure a privileged position for Christianity in the public square often coincide with efforts to preserve the historical status quo on issues of race, gender, and sexuality. And the practical ramifications of such views involve everything from support for laws that codify specific interpretations of Christian morality, to the defense of religious displays on public property, to nativist reactions to non-white, non-Christian immigrants.

There are numerous expressions of Christian nationalism, and some pose more of a threat to democracy than others. That said, when Christian nationalists seek to automatically privilege conservative Christian norms and identity, they separate out a special class of “true,” “fully American” citizens from others. And in a multi-ethnic, multi-religious democracy such as ours, these efforts are inherently destabilizing and undermine open and honest national debates over a host of issues.

Religion should confine itself to attempting to answer the unanswered questions such as: Is there life after death.

Religion does not belong in government. Period.

If religion is allowed in government, there goes freedom, out the door.

So you say.