Ooops - Take 2


Quote from current Democrat Party frontrunner for 2008 election Hillary Clinton:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

Hillary LIED, wah-wah everyone listen to me, Hillary LIED.

Or maybe Bush and Hil just bought the wrong intel, whatchu think cypriss, you nasty little shitstirrer?
Yep she was a wussy demoncrat that jumped on the bandwagon or went along to keep from being called traitor and unamerican.
but Dano, you can't avoid the fact that Bush was the cheerleader. Just like in college :)
Yep she was a wussy demoncrat that jumped on the bandwagon or went along to keep from being called traitor and unamerican.
but Dano, you can't avoid the fact that Bush was the cheerleader. Just like in college :)

Nah, I don't fault her, sometimes intel is wrong and she bet on the wrong horse.
What does bug me is this pretending by Dems that it was all Bush's fault and they knew all along but Bush tricked them.
Sure Bush fucked up by believing the intel that they did, but the whole Democrat party lies and takes ZERO accountability for themselves. Like true Liberals, it's never their own fault, that would be individual responsibility which is the core nemesis of leftish thought.
when was the last time anyone ever heard republicans take ownership for WTC '93 which happened a mere 36 days after Clinton took office- after a dozen prior years of republican control?
when was the last time anyone ever heard republicans take ownership for WTC '93 which happened a mere 36 days after Clinton took office- after a dozen prior years of republican control?

and had a lil over 7 years to do somthing about it, o wait thats right he fired a few cruise missle's in to a training camp
Nah, I don't fault her, sometimes intel is wrong and she bet on the wrong horse.
What does bug me is this pretending by Dems that it was all Bush's fault and they knew all along but Bush tricked them.
Sure Bush fucked up by believing the intel that they did, but the whole Democrat party lies and takes ZERO accountability for themselves. Like true Liberals, it's never their own fault, that would be individual responsibility which is the core nemesis of leftish thought.
I have yet to hear Bush admit to a mistake.....
Well that is more than regan did about the bombing of the marine barracks in lebanon.

where 250 usa people were mudered in lebanon vs the wtc attack in 1993 where i think only 6 people were killed. in addition to this they captured the perps from 1993...
precisely care....Clinton DID do something about WTC 93: he brought the perpetrators to justice..... something Dubya has failed to do with 9/11. And Reagan and Beirut? Why that is the ultimate cut and run!

.... he never did ANYTHING about that slaughter except stick his tail between his legs and slink away. At least Carter attempted to rescue the hostages from Tehran.... Reagan and Beirut taught the jihadists that our bark was way bigger than our bite.

And Bush just repeated that message for the whole world to hear on our nation's birthday..... when Kim Jong Il - even though we had barked some stern warnings to him about testing ballistic missiles - laughed at our barking and tested them ON THE FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!! He slapped Dubya right across the face, and like a girlieman, he just took it, whimpered, and didn't DO shit.
Regan got the hostages free , and Iran contra was the payoff to Iran.
That ia how Regan dealt with terrorists, pay them off.