Open Debate Challange


Uwaa OmO
Well I'll admit I had a lot of fun in our little debate contest (especially since I took silver). Anyways I'm looking to keep my skills sharp, what with werewolf not likely to happen (because we have too many stalkers here). So I'm issuing an open challenge to debate. We can get one of the mods to judge, so as to keep things impartial. As for topic, my idea is I'll select 5 possible topics, and whoever agree will select 5 topics. and we'll use a random number generator to pick which one we debate.

Anyone interested?
I'll defeat you.

Here are my proposals:

1.The education day law (H.J.RES.104.ENR) is a violation of the first amendment and a dangerous step toward theocracy.

2. Tax cuts cannot possibly revive an economy in an era of globalization stupidity.

3. Globalization is not inevitable.

4. Our democracy is 100% corrupt.

5. our government and corporate leaders are incented to destroy america by a foreign controlled oligarchy.

6. I rule all.
Sorry Cap'n Barstool. I only play "Lucy and the Football" once. Its obvious that you had influence over the judges. Annie quit because of that.
So you're afraid to debate me? Figures. I will wipe my ass with your meager intellect.
You do realize that there is a 50% chance you'd be arguing FOR globalization in all those topics right? If that's cool with you fine, I'll make my 5 topics choices and we'll find us a judge. Same format as the championship.
SM, how many times do you have to be reminded that I can't see anything you post outside of quotes?
You do realize that there is a 50% chance you'd be arguing FOR globalization in all those topics right? If that's cool with you fine, I'll make my 5 topics choices and we'll find us a judge. Same format as the championship.

I used to do that for years too, until i had a moral awakening. Bring it, dog-whore.
I used to do that for years too, until i had a moral awakening. Bring it, dog-whore.
Ok, your picks are assigned to even numbers (0-8). Mine are as follows.

1. Ending the machine gun registry?
3. Replacing our current election system with a lottery for senators and reps?
5. The current war in Iraq?
7. Mandatory second language classes in schools?
9. Should we keep investing in a space program?

Now we need a judge. I'm suggesting Grind, as he has experience and has proved impartial.
Well I'll admit I had a lot of fun in our little debate contest (especially since I took silver). Anyways I'm looking to keep my skills sharp, what with werewolf not likely to happen (because we have too many stalkers here). So I'm issuing an open challenge to debate. We can get one of the mods to judge, so as to keep things impartial. As for topic, my idea is I'll select 5 possible topics, and whoever agree will select 5 topics. and we'll use a random number generator to pick which one we debate.

Anyone interested?
or you can just discuss topics by PM with members and make challenges for the combat sig. Been a while since we had any good cat fights there.
1) werewolf will happen when superfreak gets back O_O

2) im all judged out. that was draining. don't want to judge for a while. sorrrry