Open Letter... To:GW Bush


Dear President Bush,
Please be advised that I just finished eating some bbq chicken for dinner..while eating I was watching Glen Beck on CNN...his guest was Duane "Dog" Chapman...
This put me into high gear as your Attorney General non other than Alberto Gonzales and his motely crew of Mexican Government Officials masquerading as representatives of the Government of the United States of America is at it again...was it not enough that Alberto and Johnny Sutton punished two Border Patrol Agents and A Texas Deputy Sheriff for just doing their jobs...Now you must punish a Bounty Hunter for capturing a wanted rapist in Mexico and bringing him back to the US for trial!

I am really getting tired of you and your wife Laura prancing around the Country as well as the world espousing in essence that we the Citizens of the United States of America must bow to the Corrupt Official's of Mexico...I realize that Laura is of Hispanic decent...well I have news for you so is my family dating back to the Spanish Land Grants in California 1840's era....

I owe my alligance to the United States of America as well as my family...I am a Veteran...US Army VN era...and a former Federal Law Enforcement Officer who also enforced Immigration as well as Narcotics laws.
For the life of me I cannot understand your alligance to Mexico and Big Business...You have sold your soul for whatever reasons and I am sick at heart for having voted for you in the last two elections...This is not to say I voted the wrong party as I am a 'Independent Conservative'...I find little hope in the Democrat party as well!

I pray that you will wake up one morning and smell the coffee...get rid of Gonzales and Sutton...imho they are traitors! Unless they were doing your bidding ..if so all of you should exit stage right...and bow your proverbial heads in shame...Take Dick with y'all to!

Just Me!
Dear President Bush,
Please be advised that I just finished eating some bbq chicken for dinner..while eating I was watching Glen Beck on CNN...his guest was Duane "Dog" Chapman...
This put me into high gear as your Attorney General non other than Alberto Gonzales and his motely crew of Mexican Government Officials masquerading as representatives of the Government of the United States of America is at it again...was it not enough that Alberto and Johnny Sutton punished two Border Patrol Agents and A Texas Deputy Sheriff for just doing their jobs...Now you must punish a Bounty Hunter for capturing a wanted rapist in Mexico and bringing him back to the US for trial!

I am really getting tired of you and your wife Laura prancing around the Country as well as the world espousing in essence that we the Citizens of the United States of America must bow to the Corrupt Official's of Mexico...I realize that Laura is of Hispanic decent...well I have news for you so is my family dating back to the Spanish Land Grants in California 1840's era....

I owe my alligance to the United States of America as well as my family...I am a Veteran...US Army VN era...and a former Federal Law Enforcement Officer who also enforced Immigration as well as Narcotics laws.
For the life of me I cannot understand your alligance to Mexico and Big Business...You have sold your soul for whatever reasons and I am sick at heart for having voted for you in the last two elections...This is not to say I voted the wrong party as I am a 'Independent Conservative'...I find little hope in the Democrat party as well!

I pray that you will wake up one morning and smell the coffee...get rid of Gonzales and Sutton...imho they are traitors! Unless they were doing your bidding ..if so all of you should exit stage right...and bow your proverbial heads in shame...Take Dick with y'all to!

Just Me!
Very well stated, and I agree.