Open Letter To Herman Cain From A Fellow Black Conservative


Originally Posted by Alias

You're so forgiving of Black liberals who have severe faults, yet you continue to slander and insult Black conservatives for simply thinking differently. You're nothing but an ignorant race baiter like Jackson and Sharpton.

Oooh, my feelings are so hurt. I think I have a good cry. Failias...let me tell you something. You'll never convince me that I am wrong. I'm never going to convince you to eat shit and die. If Jackson and Sharpton were once "race baiters", as you claim (I don't ), they are no longer. Both men ran for the presidency, with Sharpton having a more credible run.
What you are calling "race baiting", isn't. Me, calling out you racists and bigots on your "stuff" is not 'race-baiting", nor racism. You have no understanding of what you're attempting to say. It doesn't boil down to black conservatives "thinking differently"'s much more visceral and "weight-y" than something so ephemeral or fluffy as "thinking differently". Black conservatives are aligning themselves to a party which doesn't embrace them or respect the journey they have endured being "black in America". You don't simply ignore the trials and tribulations, the hate and the discrimination, and wash it all away by one simply declaring themselves "a member of the Republican Party" or "conservative movement", and because, now, I think like you think, and believe what you believe, we can pretend that everything is "hunky-dory" and slavery didn't happen, and Jim Crow didn't happen, and the hell to integrate schools didn't happen, and the march on Washington didn't happen, and Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, and MLK are still alive and well, and the Vietnam War didn't happen, and when the Vietnam Vets returned home, nobody cared, and since no blacks to speak of are flying planes and importing cocaine into this country, that the war on drugs was an illusion and that crack came into our neighborhoods and devoured our young, and distracted us from our education, our jobs, our votes counting, and making black men an endangered species by incarceration and homicide, and that AIDS wasn't developed to rid the world of third world peoples so that resources could be exploited, unhindered...and so on, and so on, and so on.....It's a little bit more than "thinking differently", wouldn't you say?