APP - Open letter to the American people

My fellow Americans,

We've seen, last night, how we can send a message to the people that are supposed to serve us, when you don't do as asked, you will be removed. Hopefully, those new members of congress have taken that message to heart. The democrats are actually happy about losing like they have though. They know that the economy is going to get worse before it gets better. They knew this even as they pushed through policies that wouldn't fix anything. Now, having power in the house passed to republicans, they will feel like they have an easy scapegoat for their failures. They are going to blame us, the American people, for the economy getting worse. You will hear them say 'see people? you handed the keys back to the ones that made the economy bad, and now they've made it worse'. Do not fall for this blame game. Keep your wits and intelligence about you and force your representatives to apply YOUR policies to make things better.

good luck.
Ah, that glorious mix of rabid right wing politics and mindless populism that has lead to so many great movements in the past.

You know, SMY, I sometimes get like this when I take too many amphetamines. Just remind yourself that at the end of the day you're a worthless piece of shit and you should be right back in line.
Midcan's Brief history of the last century and beginning of present.

Coolidge / Hoover - Banks collapse, economy collapses
Great Depression begins - Hoover ineffective
FDR rescues the nation from Great Depression, creates regulatory structure
FDR creates the greatest single asset for all Americans: Social Security
FDR masterfully fought WWII along with Churchill and help from Stalin
Truman ends the savagery of the war with Japan with the ultimate savagery
Truman extends New Deal and Civil rights
Eisenhower ignores right wing war mongering republicans, extends civil rights
Warren court hands down ruling on public school segregation
Eisenhower continues progressivism, Vietnam involvement continues from Truman
Eisenhower commits to helping South Vietnam
'Cold War' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
WWII end brings prosperity due to GI bill, home growth, and durable goods growth
Kennedy buys into ridiculous Bay of Pigs plan from Eisenhower administration
America's youth gain power prestige and purchasing power
Kennedy reduces taxes for wealthy
Battle for space with Russia consumes America's resources
Blacks decide waiting any longer for equality is too long
LBJ foolishly listens to war cries concerning domino effect and tragically involves US in Nam
LBJ advances civil rights and extended welfare so all Americans can have a little of the pie
Anti war demonstrations change attitudes and hurt LBJ social achievements
Nixon has secret plan for ending Vietnam but paranoid personality ruins administration
Nixon opens up trade to China and negotiates with Mother Russia
Fear of loss causes Watergate
Carter inherits stagflation economy from Nixon / Ford
Carter supports Afghanistan against Russian occupation, seeds are set for growth of insurgency terrorism
Carter reduces taxes for wealthy and increases military spending
Iranian militants take Americans captive
Oil embargo hurts Carter but efforts at energy policy are forgotten as Reagan wins
Reagan starts the destruction of the middle class in part by making government a problem
Reagan starts destruction of regulatory agencies that eventually lead to the Great Recession of today
Reagan reduces taxes for wealthy, corporations and think tanks gain persuasive powers
Bush Sr experiences effect of Reagan economic policies, economy collapses, real estate boom crash, S&L scandal, bailouts to rescue nation again after republican policy
GH Bush losses as Republican policy fails once again
Clinton raises taxes, economy recovers aided by millennium and Internet bubble
Clinton buys into financial nonsense, supporting NAFTA, regulatory and welfare reform
Armies of money and power go after Clinton on healthcare proposal, spending publicly and privately millions
Bush-Gore election goes to Bush as SCOTUS has moved from liberal to fascist
Bush proves inept in all ways, but 911 attack creates fear and more war cries
Bush proves himself an incompetent leader who creates massive debt and death
Clinton surplus is squandered on tax relief primarily for the wealthy
'War on Terror' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
Bush invades Iraq based on trumped up nonsense about WMDs and fear
Economy collapses under Bush and bailouts are once again required after a republican administration
Obama wins election for 'change' due to the failure of Bush and the republicans
Armies of money and power again mount offensive attacking the American values of justice and fairness represented by Obama
Obama passes Healthcare policy, keeps promises on wars
Once again the economy is moving in the right direction but the armies of money and power are greater today and propaganda and revisionist history have gained large footholds in the minds of the uneducated....

And so it goes....republicans fail democrats would seem monkeys and humans never learn....
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My fellow Americans,

We've seen, last night, how we can send a message to the people that are supposed to serve us, when you don't do as asked, you will be removed. Hopefully, those new members of congress have taken that message to heart. The democrats are actually happy about losing like they have though. They know that the economy is going to get worse before it gets better. They knew this even as they pushed through policies that wouldn't fix anything. Now, having power in the house passed to republicans, they will feel like they have an easy scapegoat for their failures. They are going to blame us, the American people, for the economy getting worse. You will hear them say 'see people? you handed the keys back to the ones that made the economy bad, and now they've made it worse'. Do not fall for this blame game. Keep your wits and intelligence about you and force your representatives to apply YOUR policies to make things better.

good luck.

bull, the proles want jobs and security NOW and since they cannot get it now or in two years they will blame the newly elected