open source map script for HTML canvas


I found this cool open source map database that kicks ass! here's a script that uses it

sorry IE users, you're outa luck. Gates won't let you use canvas tags

I have a script to move floors around and I'm going to work on adapting this map database into another lightweight version of this script.
here's my test *

*haven't been able to figure out the bug that screws it up the first load. You have to refresh the page to get the floor to work right. For some reason it's not clearing the canvas. might be that the event doesn't get added . Hard to understand that one.
I found this cool open source map database that kicks ass! here's a script that uses it

sorry IE users, you're outa luck. Gates won't let you use canvas tags

I have a script to move floors around and I'm going to work on adapting this map database into another lightweight version of this script.
here's my test *

*haven't been able to figure out the bug that screws it up the first load. You have to refresh the page to get the floor to work right. For some reason it's not clearing the canvas. might be that the event doesn't get added . Hard to understand that one.

Does your employer take Unemployment tax out of this??
I made an Iframe spawner for google maps API. I can't find anyone else doing it and I had to dig a little into the... well I had to dig a lot... into the API methods to see where the zoom was getting its value. I'm really afraid to use it until I contact google and get permission. I don't want any lawsuits. I plan on making a couple of cool business models.

An online directions creator that you can email to a friend or use for your website as a link or iframe. I can add special maps with custom bubbles with an address,phone num....

Same concept with real estate listings..think forclosures and banks...

Also, I'm going to make an example...actually it's done already, but not online yet... for garage sale listings. The plan is to use the client side scripting with canvas to add your listing and map with custom bubble for your garage sale. All done with javascript and php.
I just have to see if i'm stepping on googles toes or not. It looks like I might be able to do it. Other wise i'm use the other database and make my own new version.

here's the direction app. It's going to have a text pad to enter instructions also for each iframe. This is just the rough iframe test without any styling.
Wanna go golfing? this a few blocks from me

Here's the garage sale script...I'm going to use it for our sale next week...
It's censored...LOL

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bahhhh, the API doesn't allow it to work my way on servers. It's only going to work if you save the files to your local machine. Too bad. It's a protection measure. No way around it.
The script does work on your local machine.

Here's the next best thing. It spawns new maps for you to use, but i can't pass the map settings, so each map is new and the settings are the same.
wanna see a little trick? When you open the page up, after you, played around with it for a while, cut and paste this into the address bar and hit enter.
javascript:for(i in map)document.write(i+":"+map+"<br>")
You can see how old strifry figures out javascripts. LOL
javascript: var getem=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (i=0;i<getem.length;i++){document.innerHTML+="<img src="+getem.src+">"}
LOL here's a good one. Grab all the pics from the map.
javascript: var getem=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (i=0;i<getem.length;i++){document.innerHTML+="<img src="+getem.src+">"};e=2;c=71;d=3;R=0; x1=.006; y1=.006; x2=.1; y2=-.1; x3=2.36; y3=-2.36; x4=300; y4=300; x5=300; y5=300; DI=document.images; DIL=getem.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=getem[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute';DIS.display='inline'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',20);void(0);
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javascript:var grab=document.getElementsByClassName("bigusername");for (i =0;i<grab.length;i++){if (grab.innerHTML=="Grind"){grab.innerHTML="Stirfry says Grind rocks."}if (grab.innerHTML=="Beefy"){grab.innerHTML="Stirfry says Beefy kicks ass!."}if (grab.innerHTML=="USFREEDOM911"){grab.innerHTML="Stirfry says Learn Some Math."}if (grab.innerHTML=="Damocles"){grab.innerHTML="Stirfry says You are the Master."}if (grab.innerHTML=="tinfoil"){grab.innerHTML="Stirfry says Tinfoil is stirfry."}};void(0)