Oral sex linked to mouth cancer


Villified User
Oral sex linked to mouth cancer
worker in a lab
Scieintists looked at tissue samples from patients
Some cases of mouth cancer could be caused by a virus contracted during oral sex, scientists have warned.

Writing in New Scientist magazine, US researchers said the human papilloma virus, which causes most cervical cancers, may also cause oral tumours.

It should read, promiscuous oral sex linked to mouth cancer.

Oral sex between a married man and woman won't present that problem.
Its the constriction of the third finger on the left hand that kills the HPV.

Its a little known fact that the HPV hides in the third finger of the left hand.

When you see carpenters and woodworking guys missing that finger, it wasn't an industrial accident. They just decided to lose the finger rather than risk their wives finding out.
Yeah, its not much of a threat if you are both virgins when you marry, and you stay monogamous for life.

But I don't know if they tested all six couples in the USA that fit that description.
It should read, promiscuous oral sex linked to mouth cancer.

Oral sex between a married man and woman won't present that problem.

Brent you're such a fucking dork.

Watch so n0rp every now and again if you can't at least fuck. Reality; it's there, it's just waiting for Brent to find it.
Okay, I read this page first and thought Darla was saying that I was pretending to be Brent... Now I have it in context.


BTW Darla, thanks for recognizing my obvious tallent for trolling :)