APP - Oregon panel approves tough new clean water rules

Meanwhile, they dump sodium floride in the water to dumb down the libtard hippie population

Go Oregon ecofascists

Leaving here in less than a month. No more of the corrupt police and corrupt government unions for me. I'd rather live in a trailer park in florida than this retard center Portland. Portland's the only place you ever see where if you pull to the side on a narrow road to allow the oncoming traffic to pass, the oncoming driver will then pull to the side and wait for you to pull out and pass them. Happens several times a day to me and it's god damn irritating. I didn't pull to the side so they could repeat the deed. I look at them and call them idiots. It's like if you held a door for someone and they stopped, held the door and insisted you walk in. these people are idiots.
Meanwhile, they dump sodium floride in the water to dumb down the libtard hippie population

Go Oregon ecofascists

Leaving here in less than a month. No more of the corrupt police and corrupt government unions for me. I'd rather live in a trailer park in florida than this retard center Portland. Portland's the only place you ever see where if you pull to the side on a narrow road to allow the oncoming traffic to pass, the oncoming driver will then pull to the side and wait for you to pull out and pass them. Happens several times a day to me and it's god damn irritating. I didn't pull to the side so they could repeat the deed. I look at them and call them idiots. It's like if you held a door for someone and they stopped, held the door and insisted you walk in. these people are idiots.

Good your leaving.We dont need you anyway.
Yeah. I won't miss this place this time. I was finally old enough to see this place for the pit of liberal corruption it is. You got a gay pedophile mayor who want to give government employees sex change operations while they run deficits and the people elect a retread governor who's girlfriend's company secures state contracts, and even when it's learned about, the investigation admits a conflict of interest but then says nothing illegal happened. Next, the fucking state want to make insurance companies cover individuals' autos when they rent them out to strangers. Gee, I wonder if the insurance companies will have to raise their rates?

Too many braindead liberals who succumb to appeals to authority. I grew up here. Thankfully, I had some of my formative years elsewhere, so i was able to recognize the crazy PDX logic, but the kids born and raised here don't stand a chance. There's not too many places where you hear no conservative voices, but PDX is one such place.

A big fuck off to you, wandering turd. You're so braindead. I can't wait to never see another hipster on a single speeder ever again. New England liberals at least understand basic economics. The newspaper here is pathetic. The Danbury News Times puts together a better rag.

Enjoy your ecofascism, dumbass. You folks cheer every step as you get checkmated
Meanwhile, they dump sodium floride in the water to dumb down the libtard hippie population

Go Oregon ecofascists

Leaving here in less than a month. No more of the corrupt police and corrupt government unions for me. I'd rather live in a trailer park in florida than this retard center Portland. Portland's the only place you ever see where if you pull to the side on a narrow road to allow the oncoming traffic to pass, the oncoming driver will then pull to the side and wait for you to pull out and pass them. Happens several times a day to me and it's god damn irritating. I didn't pull to the side so they could repeat the deed. I look at them and call them idiots. It's like if you held a door for someone and they stopped, held the door and insisted you walk in. these people are idiots.

my only advice would be to move, but you are already to do that

oh well
Meanwhile, they dump sodium floride in the water to dumb down the libtard hippie population

Go Oregon ecofascists

Leaving here in less than a month. No more of the corrupt police and corrupt government unions for me. I'd rather live in a trailer park in florida than this retard center Portland. Portland's the only place you ever see where if you pull to the side on a narrow road to allow the oncoming traffic to pass, the oncoming driver will then pull to the side and wait for you to pull out and pass them. Happens several times a day to me and it's god damn irritating. I didn't pull to the side so they could repeat the deed. I look at them and call them idiots. It's like if you held a door for someone and they stopped, held the door and insisted you walk in. these people are idiots.

Jesus Katey Christ. Can't make you wingnuts happy. A State exercises local control and you're pitching a bitch. Go read a book!
Under Federal Guidelines States are permitted to operate their own Air, Water and Solid Waste programs as long as they are at least as stringent or more so then the Clean Air Act (CAA), The Clean Water Act (CWA), and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Considering such programs have to be developled by State Legislators, approved and implemented by State Governors and validated and approved by the Federal Government what the hell is wrong with that?
Meanwhile, they dump sodium floride in the water to dumb down the libtard hippie population

Go Oregon ecofascists

Leaving here in less than a month. No more of the corrupt police and corrupt government unions for me. I'd rather live in a trailer park in florida than this retard center Portland. Portland's the only place you ever see where if you pull to the side on a narrow road to allow the oncoming traffic to pass, the oncoming driver will then pull to the side and wait for you to pull out and pass them. Happens several times a day to me and it's god damn irritating. I didn't pull to the side so they could repeat the deed. I look at them and call them idiots. It's like if you held a door for someone and they stopped, held the door and insisted you walk in. these people are idiots.
Hey don't forget about Portlands nude bicycle ride. I might ride in it just to irritate you before you leave! LOL

BTW....I think most posters would agree.....a Trailer Park in Florida would be the perfect residence for a mouth breathing wingnut like your self! LOL
Tinfoil, I don't blame you for wanting to leave. Whenever I don't like Seattle, I remind myself of how superior it is to Portland, which is possibly the worst city in America.
Yeah. I won't miss this place this time. I was finally old enough to see this place for the pit of liberal corruption it is. You got a gay pedophile mayor who want to give government employees sex change operations while they run deficits and the people elect a retread governor who's girlfriend's company secures state contracts, and even when it's learned about, the investigation admits a conflict of interest but then says nothing illegal happened. Next, the fucking state want to make insurance companies cover individuals' autos when they rent them out to strangers. Gee, I wonder if the insurance companies will have to raise their rates?

Too many braindead liberals who succumb to appeals to authority. I grew up here. Thankfully, I had some of my formative years elsewhere, so i was able to recognize the crazy PDX logic, but the kids born and raised here don't stand a chance. There's not too many places where you hear no conservative voices, but PDX is one such place.

A big fuck off to you, wandering turd. You're so braindead. I can't wait to never see another hipster on a single speeder ever again. New England liberals at least understand basic economics. The newspaper here is pathetic. The Danbury News Times puts together a better rag.

Enjoy your ecofascism, dumbass. You folks cheer every step as you get checkmated

"You got a gay pedophile mayor who want to give government employees sex change operations while they run deficits.."

Consider, if you will, accidents frequently happen when a person is distracted. I can't imagine anything more distracting than a person wanting to be a member of the opposite sex. That would be something a person is reminded of frequently during the day such as when, for example, when they have to use the washroom facilities.

Consider the mayor is concerned about safety, if nothing else.

And then there's the hidden stigma/prejudice against homosexuals. If Bob became Bobbie then he/she wouldn't have to deal with that factor which could distract him/her from concentrating on their job.

And then there's his/her overall well-being/happiness. We wouldn't want to see Bob standing in front of Liana'a Boutique on 4th Ave or Cocoon Silk on Northwest 23rd longingly looking through the window at the dresses he can never wear.

Have you truly given this sufficient thought? :)