Oregon Senator Merkley Throws Hail Mary to Stop Kavanaugh Confirmation


Classical Liberal
Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley is asking a federal court to block his U.S. Senate colleagues from voting on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation until the Trump administration turns over information about the judge’s prior government work.

This kinda tells me dims are totally expecting Kav to be confirmed. Information about the judge’s prior government work? really?
At least he's not producing an anonymous letter accusing Kav of attempted murder.
This kinda tells me dims are totally expecting Kav to be confirmed. Information about the judge’s prior government work? really?
At least he's not producing an anonymous letter accusing Kav of attempted murder.

Nope it doesn't tell you that you're just making it up
kavanaugh's previous government work has been hidden. He was on the Starr commission and one of the most aggressive and nasty. The horrible policies he advocated for Clinton are not what he wants for himself. Brett is a very bad choice. Now a woman says she saw him 20 years ago outside a DC bar and he was slamming a woman against the wall. That is 5 woemen with no contact saying Kav was guilty of sexual misconduct.
This kinda tells me dims are totally expecting Kav to be confirmed. Information about the judge’s prior government work? really?
At least he's not producing an anonymous letter accusing Kav of attempted murder.

Bet you wanted to see President Obama's birth certificate and college transcripts.

But seeing a racist rapist FEDERAL judge's past government work is outrageous?

Sorry, liberalism doesn't work like that.
Bet you wanted to see President Obama's birth certificate and college transcripts.
lol. I think the requirement to born in the U.S is B.S. so I never cared where he was born.
Same with college. Who cares what they majored in or what grades they made?
But seeing a racist rapist FEDERAL judge's past government work is outrageous?

Sorry, liberalism doesn't work like that.
Sorry, you lost me there. Who's the racist and who's the rapist? We're not talking about the clintons here.
This kinda tells me dims are totally expecting Kav to be confirmed. Information about the judge’s prior government work? really?
At least he's not producing an anonymous letter accusing Kav of attempted murder.

NOT YET, at least.

But I wouldn't put it past them. :palm:
lol. I think the requirement to born in the U.S is B.S. so I never cared where he was born.
Same with college. Who cares what they majored in or what grades they made?
Sorry, you lost me there. Who's the racist and who's the rapist? We're not talking about the clintons here.

It was what reubs did.
kavanaugh's previous government work has been hidden. He was on the Starr commission and one of the most aggressive and nasty. The horrible policies he advocated for Clinton are not what he wants for himself. Brett is a very bad choice. Now a woman says she saw him 20 years ago outside a DC bar and he was slamming a woman against the wall. That is 5 woemen with no contact saying Kav was guilty of sexual misconduct.

What about the TWELVE women who accused Clinton of sexual assault? Do you believe them? If you dont, why not? And why do you believe the women accusing Trump? And what about the five trips Clinton made on a privately owned jet called the lolita express, owned by a convicted pedophile? Oh. Did I mention that he left his security behind for those trips? Why did he do that?
What about the TWELVE women who accused Clinton of sexual assault? Do you believe them? If you dont, why not? And why do you believe the women accusing Trump? And what about the five trips Clinton made on a privately owned jet called the lolita express, owned by a convicted pedophile? Oh. Did I mention that he left his security behind for those trips? Why did he do that?

What about the 19 that accused trump. really not germane, is it? However, Kavanaugh is absolutely not qualified for the court, any court. He claims he is not abusive to women, then abused sen Klobuchar in front of an audience of millions. He was rude , crude and kept at her. That alone should prove he is lying.
however he came out weeping and screaming in anger. That is an example showing a lack of judicial temperament. he claims he is a neutral observer type judge. that is false.
When he was on the Starr Comm. he was a bigtime conspiracy nut pushing the Vince Foster craziness. he also had a list of 10 questions he wanted Starr to ask bill that were rude, crude and lewd. He mentioned the Clintons trying to get him yesterday. He is a right wing conspiracy nut. His best job is on Fox gnus, not the courts.
This kinda tells me dims are totally expecting Kav to be confirmed. Information about the judge’s prior government work? really?
At least he's not producing an anonymous letter accusing Kav of attempted murder.

These people are idiots; how they ever got to the Senate is the most amazing part. More evidence of how gullible and stupid voters can be.
kavanaugh's previous government work has been hidden. He was on the Starr commission and one of the most aggressive and nasty. The horrible policies he advocated for Clinton are not what he wants for himself. Brett is a very bad choice. Now a woman says she saw him 20 years ago outside a DC bar and he was slamming a woman against the wall. That is 5 woemen with no contact saying Kav was guilty of sexual misconduct.

Can anyone be this stupid? :lolup: That was rhetorical.