O'Reilly really wants us to all die of a heart attack


Junior Member
his boycott of france and french wines.....

New clue to red wine's heart protection
Grapes from southwest France contain higher levels of healthy ingredient

NEW YORK - Scientists in the U.K. have identified “oligomeric procyanidins” as the likely ingredient in red wine’s polyphenols that contributes to heart health and longevity. And some red wines contain more procyanidins than others.

People living in Nuoro province, Sardinia, and southwest France have higher than normal average longevity. And wines from those regions, Corder and colleagues found, had a 2- to 4-fold higher inhibitory effect on endothelin-1 and significantly higher oligomeric procyanidin levels than wines from Australia, Europe, South America, the US, and Sardinia.


O'Reilly isn't looking out for you... He wants you to have a heart attack... His boycott is nothing more than a charade to try to kill you.

boycott france and their wine= shorter life span.
I guess his followers will have to drink 2-4 times as much US wine to get the same medicinal benefit :D
I wonder if US winegrowers made some contribution to him or his party to get this sales endorsement ?