O'Reilly says conservatives give more than liberals

A new book called "Who Really Cares?" by Arthur Brooks says conservative Americans give 30 percent more money to charity than liberal Americans. Also, religious people give up four times more money to charity than secular people.

I call BS... where are they getting their numbers from... and not to mention that most liberals are the po' dems... they don't have shit to give to anyone... meanwhile you ahve all the conservatives giving themselves and their partners, big bonus's stock options and other stuff all while giving the po' dems a 3% raise while the company's making record earnings.....

they should give more since they stick it to the po' dems and get rich off their backs...
OK rob, I will take your call on this. I have researched it to the nth degree after reading a newspaper article back in the 90's and every bit of evidence that comes up supports the books claim. I would add that it is more the "moral" conservative that fits this bill than the "fiscal" conservative. And yes, "moral" conservatives tend to be churchy folks.
OK rob, I will take your call on this. I have researched it to the nth degree after reading a newspaper article back in the 90's and every bit of evidence that comes up supports the books claim. I would add that it is more the "moral" conservative that fits this bill than the "fiscal" conservative. And yes, "moral" conservatives tend to be churchy folks.

i give sometimes... especially to animals. b/c well lets face it, people suck.
I support the largest and best animal habitat organization ever........I buy hunting and fishing licenses every year and plenty of ammunition and fishing gear.:)
Of course religious people give more, their church is technically a chairtiable contribution.
And cons typically have more money to give than liberals. they can use the tax deductions, the poor liberals need the money to live.
I just don't agree that all liberals are poor.......or that all conservatives are rich. And I distinguish between "moral" and "fiscal" conservative in this conversation and should distinguish between "moral" liberal and "fiscal" liberal. I suppose that I would be a "fiscal" liberal to moderate in my way of thinking. I am of the opinion that if we can pay for something and it will benefit people then we should do it. The key being "if we can pay."
Not all, but it is a general situation Leaning. There are no absolutes when dealing with humans.
Well the absolute of birth and death I suppose....
Right uscitizen, there are no absolutes. I classify myself as a "moral" conservative but that doesn't mean that I want political/governmental action in those areas. It just describes me.