Ornot Bitwise


Well-known member
I remember him as a poster way back in the day on the Netscape Rate Bush Board but did he ever come over to this board to post?

I don't know if it's him but I was reading an article online by the SF Chronicle about Michael Vick and how he killed the pit bulls and while reading the comment section there was a post by ornot_bitwise.

Totally random I know but his name brought back memories.

yes he was on this board too. He was part of the poli-fp-jpp tree if my memory serves me correctly.
You know what's sad? I've know people from this group longer than my wife.

Well, just think of us as friends. Hopefully, you've known your best friends for many, many years now, although its still a great thing if you've met some strong friends through your wife.

I've known many people here longer than any of my college friends, because I began posting on politics.com during my junior year of high school.
I remember him as a poster way back in the day on the Netscape Rate Bush Board but did he ever come over to this board to post?

I don't know if it's him but I was reading an article online by the SF Chronicle about Michael Vick and how he killed the pit bulls and while reading the comment section there was a post by ornot_bitwise.

Totally random I know but his name brought back memories.


Man, you are a newspaper website-reading machine! A buried comment on an insignificant info-tainment story? Nice catch, Cawacko! I totally bet it was him.

Yeah, Ornot came over to fp.com after I bailed on the mayhem and gossip of the netscape zoo. I got him and a few cool netscape people to come over to fp, and then we made the migration to this board. Ornot was here for a while; that was cool.
Man, you are a newspaper website-reading machine! A buried comment on an insignificant info-tainment story? Nice catch, Cawacko! I totally bet it was him.

Yeah, Ornot came over to fp.com after I bailed on the mayhem and gossip of the netscape zoo. I got him and a few cool netscape people to come over to fp, and then we made the migration to this board. Ornot was here for a while; that was cool.

Haha! Too much free time on my hands...

I loved Ornot, he was a cool dude. I think he lived in Emeryville too so he and I lived close.

I'll never forget the time he was talking about some political issue and then in the next paragraph mentioned he had gotten married that weekend and then in the third paragraph of his post went back to the political issue. haha... I remember Darla went crazy in the 'how can you try and sneak that by us Ornot' sense. Was really funny.