

He has not posted in almost two months. Does anyone know if he is OK?

He had an operation and I dont know how his recovery is going has anyone heard from him?
I dont remember but I do remember him coming back on after it and it seemed like things were a little tuff but getting better and then he stopped posting.

Maybe Damo can check on him?
Yeah he was always one of my favorite posters.

Openly and unabashedly leftist. Defended Marxist ideals with an honest, unevasive integrity that you don't see in the "DON'T CALL ME SOCIALIST!!!111 Liberals" that inhabit the boards these days.

A dizzying intellect and formidable yet always humorous style of debate.
Yeah he was always one of my favorite posters.

Openly and unabashedly leftist. Defended Marxist ideals with an honest, unevasive integrity that you don't see in the "DON'T CALL ME SOCIALIST!!!111 Liberals" that inhabit the boards these days.

A dizzying intellect and formidable yet always humorous style of debate.

Yeah he was always one of my favorite posters.

Openly and unabashedly leftist. Defended Marxist ideals with an honest, unevasive integrity that you don't see in the "DON'T CALL ME SOCIALIST!!!111 Liberals" that inhabit the boards these days.

A dizzying intellect and formidable yet always humorous style of debate.

He was actually quite imbecilic and dishonest in debate, thinking he can change meanings of words on the fly to suit his purposes.

I believe he left because I beat him so bad.
AHZ, the one thing that everyone on this board can agree on (and I mean everyone) is thta you have never beat anyone, ever.
AHZ, the one thing that everyone on this board can agree on (and I mean everyone) is thta you have never beat anyone, ever.

I've beaten you many times. Your national collaborativism fails because you're unwilling to enforce the "collaborativism" part. You like the hieararchy, and the control, but expect the loyalty of countrymen while offering them nothing more fierce competition from overseas workers, to the detriment of their personal lives. THe abstraction of "STATE" you seek to use solely for the elite. You will fail, because you advocate assholery.
I've beaten you many times. Your national collaborativism fails because you're unwilling to enforce the "collaborativism" part. You like the hieararchy, and the control, but expect the loyalty of countrymen while offering them nothing more fierce competition from overseas workers, to the detriment of their personal lives. THe abstraction of "STATE" you seek to use solely for the elite. You will fail, because you advocate assholery.

You don't know whether it will fail or not, because no one has been introduced to it. Furthermore, you don't even know much about it, because it was more important for you to read your lunacy into what I was saying instead of actually finding out about it.

If anything, you telling me something is horrible or will fail is pretty much the best endorsement I can get.
You don't know whether it will fail or not, because no one has been introduced to it. Furthermore, you don't even know much about it, because it was more important for you to read your lunacy into what I was saying instead of actually finding out about it.

If anything, you telling me something is horrible or will fail is pretty much the best endorsement I can get.

Your label for it is a misnomer. There is no collaborativism. You just want to convince people that outsourcing their jobs and insourcing more competition is good for them. You're a standard neocon noahide asshole.
Your label for it is a misnomer. There is no collaborativism. You just want to convince people that outsourcing their jobs and insourcing more competition is good for them. You're a standard neocon noahide asshole.

You realise that we have talked before about keeping American jobs in America and I agreed, right?