The leftist's lament is almost old enough to qualify for Medicare.
“Why are DEMOCRATS losing the working class? Why do they like our policies but vote for the party that comforts the comfortable? What’s wrong with our messaging? What’s wrong with our candidates?”
Odd as it may seem, a partial answer can be found in the works of a writer who never set foot in the United States and who has been dead for more than 70 years.
When George Orwell traveled to the Depression-ravaged north of England in 1936, his intention was to chronicle the horrific conditions in the mines, the towns and the homes of the people who lived and worked there. (His account of the near starvation, the hellish conditions in the mines, the sights, sounds and smells of life are still riveting all these decades later).
It is in the second half of his book, “The Road to Wigan Pier,” where Orwell deals with a broader question: If socialism is the way toward providing a fairer, more decent life for those with the least, why has it not succeeded politically? His answer — one that unsettled his Left Book Club’s publisher — was that there was a deep cultural chasm between the advocates of socialism and those they were seeking to persuade.
“I am,” Orwell wrote, “making out a case for the sort of person who is in sympathy with the fundamental aims of Socialism, but who in practice always takes flight when Socialism is mentioned".
Why is this account relevant to the DEMOCRAT Party’s condition today?
Because ultimately, too many otherwise persuadable voters have realized that DEMOCRATS neither understand nor reflect their values.
We saw how clearly the extremes can drag down the party after the results of the 2020 down-ballot elections, and again after last November’s DEMOCRAT losses in Virginia, Long Island and local races across the country.