OS proves Mi superior yet again

Don't get cocky. It's the first time ya'll beat us in 7 years. That's 10-2 in the last dozen years. Consider it a mother fucking pay back for John Copper. Let's play ball.
Ohio State will Quickly exceed what the cheating Vest could do. They will dominated the little ten within 2 years. Meyer knows to recuite speed on D. Mich, Wisconson, Neb are all toast.
Ohio State will Quickly exceed what the cheating Vest could do. They will dominated the little ten within 2 years. Meyer knows to recuite speed on D. Mich, Wisconson, Neb are all toast.
Oh that has absolutely nothing to do with it Topper. John Copper was the best coach in the country, during his tenure, at recruiting talent nationally and put more players into the NFL then any other Div I coach during his tenure and he still couldn't beat michigan or win bowl games.

It's all about the money. Look at the top ten teams with the most wins over the last ten years and they are all the top ten teams in money spent on their football programs. Say what you want to about X's and O's and recruiting talent but at this level the head coaches most important job is raising money for the program and in that respect Jim Tressel was the best coach in the nation over the last ten years and he won the most games of any BCS division Team and payed in and won the most BCS Bowl games. It's all about the money Topper. If Meyer can raise the kind of money that Tressel did, he should do well. John Cooper wasn't able to do that and Lyodd Carr owned his ass.

Hell look at the SEC the last 10 years. Who have the dominant teams been? Bama, LSWho, Forida and Auborn. Who spends the most money in the SEC on their programs? Bama, LSWho, Florida and Auborn.

When the day comes that the Big10 or Pac10 earns a larger TV contracts then the SEC and can spend more money then the SEC's dominance in college football will end. Considering the south east regions inability to compete in the mans game at the pro level, that's unlikely to happen soon as the minor league kids game will remain more popular in the south east then the pro mans game since the south east isn't competative in the mans game (i.e. 3 super bowl wins in 45 years.)
or you can win a title by doing the things they take away titles for.........which probably accounts for their last three winning seasons at the very least.....