OSU Ohio Slow University

They didn't get blown out this time. So its an improvement.

But barely beating Ohio State doesn't help Texas with their Nat'l Championship claims.

If the Gators win, my vote would go for Utah as NC
there secondary is SLOW
it was evident vs usc and Texas
The big 10 is not in the top 3 conferences and is prob below the third rate Pac 10
I was deeply PO'ed at the end of that game....Who doesn't go into prevent defense when they need a TD?

prevent defense = prevent win

Ohio State stayed aggressive which is what they needed to do. To sit back and let Colt McCoy pick them apart would be suicide. Yes they lost anyway but at least had a chance. Prevent defense would have essentially guaranteed a Texas score and thus a loss.
A prevent defense is only going to stop a higher percentage of the big plays. And even that is a gamble.

An agressive defense is the best thing you can have. The worst you will get is a few running plays that work because of overpursuit or traps.

A D that will go after it (if you have the talent) is the best way to win the NC.
total horseshit, texas scored on a short catch long run.
you keep a couple safety's back and an extra corner in and it doesn't happen
total horseshit, texas scored on a short catch long run.
you keep a couple safety's back and an extra corner in and it doesn't happen

Texas scored on a play where they dropped seven back. During an actual "containment" defense. The dude just turned right around it then ran in with those guys trying to catch up while being hampered by the total incapacity to run.

OSU put cement blocks on the feet of their defenders.
Texas scored on a play where they dropped seven back. During an actual "containment" defense. The dude just turned right around it then ran in with those guys trying to catch up while being hampered by the total incapacity to run.

OSU put cement blocks on the feet of their defenders.

They sent 5 after the QB.. watch it...

That means they dropped 6 and the LB's were lined up on the LOS. They didn't have time to drop back to defend it. 1 LB went out to the flat. The safety (which should have been used as a prevent DB, I don't care what any of you say) had to move up to try and defend the pass, so it's one on one with the Safety since the LB couldn't drop back to cover over the middle.

Dumb play call, when all you have to do is stop a TD and you have less than 30 seconds to play, you let them take a few short completions and keep them in bounds. You make sure there is NEVER a time where one of their recievers gets behind the safety. When you allow it, then you are playing to lose. The safety should be there to tackle, not brought up as a pass defender in that situation.
prevent defense = sucks! Most frustrating thing to watch when your team is doing it.

It's smart if you know how to run it. It's not dropping your CB's back 20 yards, and letting them catch everything. You keep them one on one with the receivers, not jumping anything inside, just stay outside. The LB's drop back into zone coverage about 10-15 yards, possibly breaking up slants or laying some wood on the receiver coming over the middle, and the safeties just don't let anyone behind them. It's great defense when you KNOW they have to pass at least 10-15 yards downfield. It'll cost the offense around 20 seconds to maybe get 20-25 yards. They had around 26 seconds on their last play, and went 40.
I actually feel sorry for Ohio Slow, Mottley is prob in deep deppression today

Depressed? Hardly. This and the Texas/Texas Tech game were the two best games of the year. We played our hearts out and came with in 16 seconds of beating a pretty good Texas team.

The great thing about being a Buckeye fan is that while LSU is rebuilding, we'll just reload and keep right on winning. :)
there secondary is SLOW
it was evident vs usc and Texas
The big 10 is not in the top 3 conferences and is prob below the third rate Pac 10

YOu're nuts. Granted this was not a great year for the Big 10 but the Pac 10, top to bottom, was the best conference is college this year and USC is with out a doubt the best team in the country and if we had a rational championship season, I'm sure that would have been proven.

The Buckeye's were a top 10 team this year but certainly not the best.
prevent defense = prevent win

Ohio State stayed aggressive which is what they needed to do. To sit back and let Colt McCoy pick them apart would be suicide. Yes they lost anyway but at least had a chance. Prevent defense would have essentially guaranteed a Texas score and thus a loss.
