Ouch, That Hurts


Junior Member
No torture needed, just ask them nicely.

>>Revealed: the tough interrogation techniques the CIA wants to use

The techniques sought by the CIA are: induced hypothermia; forcing suspects to stand for prolonged periods; sleep deprivation; a technique called "the attention grab" where a suspect's shirt is forcefully seized; the "attention slap" or open hand slapping that hurts but does not lead to physical damage; the "belly slap"; and sound and light manipulation


>But check it out, the Bush regime doesn't want to tell you about the other torture techniques he's devised...

The Faux Shirt Stain: Interrogator points at suspect's chest: "Look, you've got something on your shirt." When suspect looks down, interrogator brings up index finger, tweaking suspect's nose. Interrogator laughs. This grievous affront, a loss of honor in the eyes of Allah, administers massive psychic trauma to suspect. Repeat as needed.

The Urkel: Suspect is locked in room lined with 72-inch plasma screens showing non-stop Family Matters episodes featuring '90s "urban nerd" Steve Urkel. Longest recorded breaking time: 2.3 hours.

The Echo: Interrogator repeats all of suspect's statements in snotty voice...

Suspect: All unbelievers will fall before the sword of Allah!
Interrogator: [Flouncing about room in effeminate fashion] All unbelievers will fall! Before the sword! Of Allah! Who is my boyfriend! Pppbbbbbbhhht!!
Interrogator's failure to be struck down instantly places suspect under extreme psychological stress. In case of emergency, interrogator may deploy Nyah-Nyah-Nyah Protocol.

The Complete and Utter Mindfuck: Suspect is addressed directly by unchaperoned female exposing more than 3% of her epidermis.

The Chomsky: Suspect is strapped to chair in room with award-craving theoretical linguist Noam Chomsky. Earplugs are placed on table just out of suspect's reach. (This protocol is considered a Last Resort.)
I like them.

I would also add walking up to the cell door with a pig and telling him, "here's your new roommate".
The John Kerry technique, making them listen to Kerry explain how he voted for the war before he voted against it............
It is kinda funny. almost as funny as the muslims blowing up a Greek Orthodox church because of what the Catholic pope said.
Yes torture is just a laughing matter. Hahahahahaha

we could always do like the islamists want and adopt the islamic laws. Burning, beating, mutalation, beheading.

Inflicting painful torture gets the victim to say anything. And gains little actual information. Psychological torture can be much more effective.

Too make a big deal over all this is silly politics. Our enemies do not follow the geneva convention and never will. To say we need to treat them nice so our guys are treated nice is just plain foolish. we need to only treat them humanely. Give them the basics and that's it. And make them think something bad will happen to them even though it won't.

This debate over all this is stupid and mccain has dropped even farther down in my respect for him.

Since the debate is stupid we should make fun of it, as we are doing here with lots of ideas of how to torture comically.
The first three you listed can be torture if done to a certain degree. It is important to describe how far one can go.

The thing is the idea of what constitutes torture varies from person to person. Its a good idea to be clear in that definition. This definition should be reached by general concensus and not just what the President thinks.

In 2002 the Bush administration defined torture as that which caused organ failure, impairment of bodily function or death.

Would you agree with such a limitation?
I would agree that which caused organ failure, impairment of bodily function or death should be considered torture. Wouldn't you?
Other things could be torture, that is the whole point. What is it and what can we do or not do. That is what this bill was about. I like Bush's response.
I don't object automatically to Bush request for clarification but I do disagree with the idea that article 3 is too vague.

It has been used for decades by our military and hasn't been a problem thus far.
ummm they are terrorists...

Alleged terrorists. Haven't you read the news innocent people have been tortured too.

"alleged" thats your defense... thats like saying someone's innocent til prooven guilty bu ttheir dna is all over the scene.... its a technicallity... we all know they are terrorists.
"alleged" thats your defense... thats like saying someone's innocent til prooven guilty bu ttheir dna is all over the scene.... its a technicallity... we all know they are terrorists.

Thats why 700 prisoners were released from Guantanamo because they were terrorists right? Maher Arar was tortured he was not a terrorist.

What you are recommending is dangerous Rob. It throws the rule of law out the window.

Be glad you are not of middle eastern descent. If you were this could happen to you. You don't have to be found guilty by a court to be tortured.
I know its a war. But not toruturing prisoners doesn't make it a tea party either.

Here's an idea how about not sending these prisoners to foreign nations to be tortured? How about giving them a trial? Even the Nazis had a trial.