I am torn between schadenfreude that I philosophically reject and sympathy. Hope you get better, just stop being an asshole.*

*I'm drunk
I just got nailed, on my left hand, by a bark scorpion.

What a coincidence. I cleared brush up at the cabin two weeks ago and got bit on the right elbow by some kind of spider that I never saw- three bites. It must have been a black widow because my forearm, wrist and hand have been in pain ever since. If it had been a brown recluse I'd be losing flesh.
What a coincidence. I cleared brush up at the cabin two weeks ago and got bit on the right elbow by some kind of spider that I never saw- three bites. It must have been a black widow because my forearm, wrist and hand have been in pain ever since. If it had been a brown recluse I'd be losing flesh.

The biggest warning sign that you have a black widow spider, is if you find a web that is really strong when you try to remove it or if it's attached to something you're moving.

Had to come back and add this bit of info.
Don't scratch the site of the bites or if you get any lesions.
You run a big chance of introducing bacteria into an area that is allready weakened.
Use anti-itch cream or see a Doctor.
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The biggest warning sign that you have a black widow spider, is if you find a web that is really strong when you try to remove it or if it's attached to something you're moving.

Had to come back and add this bit of info.
Don't scratch the site of the bites or if you get any lesions.
You run a big chance of introducing bacteria into an area that is allready weakened.
Use anti-itch cream or see a Doctor.

This was up near 5000' elevation and its not yet spring there. No webs and no insect activity yet, which is why I'm surprised as hell that I got bit. I haven't seen black widows there but they are plentiful here in the valley, as are brown recluse. I did see a doctor friend about it.