Out Of This World

Have you ever watched Jupiter through a 12 or 13-inch reflector? Amazing. You'll shit your pants if you're not careful.
Yeah I watched poor Jupiter when the comet smacked it, really extremely cool.

Sort of got me to thinking what if it had been earth being smacked ?
Have you ever watched Jupiter through a 12 or 13-inch reflector? Amazing. You'll shit your pants if you're not careful.
I first turned a telescope on it when I was about 10, I saw it near Orion and couldn't quite figure out what it was. It is a very cool thing to view even with a less powerful telescope. Of course, my equipment has gotten better over the years.
I want to find out what's on Europa, Jupiter's moon. There's supposedly a liquid ocean there, that may potentialy have life.
I want to find out what's on Europa, Jupiter's moon. There's supposedly a liquid ocean there, that may potentialy have life.
They are testing the auto-pilot subs they plan to use in deep crevice diving here on Earth currently.
Man, did this thread go astray? HEH HEH. Goes to show--- when you try to help-----------------------